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Siddhant M
Student’s Rating 4.81/5

Electrical Circuits & Signals
Engineering Physics 1,2
Electronics & Telecom
Computer Science
“8 years of experience. B. Tech in ( Electrical & Electronics), Physics Enthusiast”
Agnivesh J
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

Electrical Circuits & Signals
Electronics & Telecom
Engineering Physics 1,2
“7 years of experience. B. Tech in ( Electrical & Electronics), Electricals lover.”
Shamim A
Student’s Rating 4.81/5

Electrical Circuits & Signals
Electrical Signals and Systems
Engineering Physics 2
“12 Years of experience. M. Tech Electrical Engineering, signals and systems”
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I went from being terrified to terrific
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Kuwait university
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Electrical Engineering Online Tutoring
What is electrical engineering?
Electrical engineering is an important branch in engineering universities and colleges that involves studying, designing, and applying devices, equipment, and systems powered by electricity. It also examines the direct or indirect usage of electricity in electronic and electromagnetic devices. After auxiliary services like the electric telegraph and the telephone became ubiquitous, electrical engineers saw their career opportunities swell in the late 19th century.
From the 20th century, electricity has driven most of the technical progress. Electrical energy powers most modern inventions. Electrical engineering now spans a broad range of fields, including radio-frequency engineering, power engineering, computer engineering, electronics, systems engineering, signal processing, telecommunications, instrumentation, photovoltaic cells, photonics, and optics. Due to a crossover of these electrical engineering disciplines with other branches of engineering, many specializations have sprung up. These branches include electromagnetics and waves, hardware engineering, power electronics, electrochemistry, microwave engineering, renewable energies, mechatronics/control, nanotechnology, and electrical materials science.
Electrical engineers perform varied tasks due to the applicability of their knowledge in diverse fields. They work onboard naval and merchant ships, in the cleanrooms of a semiconductor fabrication plant, inside a mine, or on the site of solar and nuclear power stations. Electrical engineers also supervise other professionals ranging from computer programmers, electricians, scientists, and other engineers.
Basic requirements
Basic knowledge of the following math and science topics will help you at various stages in your electrical engineering course:
Math fundamentals
- Equation of a line, its slope, and y-intercept
- Exponents
- Quadratic formula
- Vectors and their addition
- Radians
- Complex numbers
- Simultaneous equations
Fundamental trigonometric function – [(SOHCAHTOA)] – sine, cosine, and tangent from the arms of a triangle
- Limits
- Derivatives
- Derivative of simple functions
- Evaluating definite integrals
- Line integral
- Derivative of sine and cosine
Differential equations
First-order and second-order differential equations
High school physics: energy, force, and work
Atoms, the electron and nucleus, elements, and mole
Topics covered in electrical engineering:
Electric and Magnetic Circuits
- Force Acting on Conductors
- Development of Voltage and Current
- Components, Properties, and Materials
- Magnetic Fields
- Resistors and Resistance
- Inductors and Inductance
- Power and Energy
- Capacitors and Capacitance
- Phasor Analysis
- Physical Laws for Electric and Magnetic Circuits
- Electric Energy Sources and Representations
- AC Power and Energy Considerations
- Methods for Circuit Analysis
- General Circuit Analysis Methods
- Electric Energy Distribution in 3-Phase Systems
- Fourier Analysis
- Transient Analysis and Laplace Transforms
- The Magnetic Circuit
- Inductance Formulas
- Hysteresis and Eddy Currents in Iron
- Electrostatics
- The Dielectric Circuit
- Dielectric Loss and Corona
Electrical and Magnetic Measurements
- Continuous Current and EMF Measurements
- Detectors and Galvanometers
- DC to AC Transfer
- Analog and Digital Instruments
- Instrument Transformers
- Power Measurement
- Energy Measurements
- Power-Factor Measurement
- Electrical Recording Instruments
- Capacitance, Inductance, and Resistance Measurements
- Inductive Dividers
- Frequency and Waveform Measurements
- Magnetic and Slip Measurements
- Mechanical Power Measurements
- Speed and Torque Measurements
- Electrical Measurement of Non-electrical Quantities like Temperature
Conductor Materials
- Conductor Properties
- Metal Properties
- Fusible Metals and Alloys
- Types of Magnetism
- Magnetic Materials, their Properties, and Their Applications
- Soft Magnetic Materials
- Carbon Steels
- Materials for Laminated Cores and Solid Cores
- Quench-Hardened Alloys
- High-Frequency Materials Applications
- Insulating Materials
- Insulating Conductors, Oils, Liquids, and Gases
- Thermal Conductivity of Electrical Insulating Materials
- Transformer Theory
- Transformer Connections
- Design of Power Transformers
- Cooling and Insulation
- Radio-Influence Voltage
- Load-Tap Changing
- Oil-Preservation Systems and Detection of Faults
- Installation and Maintenance
- Overcurrent Protection
- Protection Against Lightning
- Loss Evaluation
- Loading Practice
- Autotransformers
- Furnace, Distribution, Instrument, and Grounding Transformers
- Severe Interrupting Conditions
- Circuit Breakers
- Operating Functions
- Ratings and Selection
- Testing and Installation
- High-Voltage and Low-Voltage Circuit Breakers
- Switchgear Assemblies
- Metal-Clad Switchgear
- Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
- Metal-Enclosed Bus and Interrupter Switchgear
- Arc-Resistant Metal-Enclosed Switchgear
- Station-Type Switchgear
- Switchboards
- Voltage Regulators
Application and Methods of Regulation
- Regulator Developments
- Power Capacitors
- Capacitor Units
- System Benefits of Power Capacitors
- Series Capacitor Banks
- Capacitor Switching Equipment
- Shunt Capacitors
Which are some of the best textbooks for electrical engineering?
– Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers by Surya Santoso, H. Wayne Beaty
– Electrical Engineering Concepts and Applications by S A Reza Zekavat
Our tutors can help you learn from the books mentioned above or any other electrical engineering textbook recommended by your college or university.