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Engineering Drawing Tutors
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Best Engineering Drawing Tutors!
Don’t compromise your Grades! Start getting top grades in your Exams and Homework with an amazing tutor.
Pankaj K
Student’s Rating 4.97/5

I am an expert in Engineering Drawing. Learn complex concepts in a 1:1 online tutoring session, or ask me to do your homework. I will ensure top grades in your exams and homework.
“15 years of experience. Top Tutor, B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur”
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

I have vast experience in the core Mechanical engineering subjects like Engineering Drawing. Get online tutoring as well as homework help. I am a perfectionist, and it will also show up in your grades!
“23 years of experience. B tech Mechanical Engineering. BITS Pilani, 1992 Pass-out”
Jitendra S
Student’s Rating 4.92/5

I can explain complex concepts in easy to understand manner and solve problems fast. Top grades are assured in your Engineering Drawing exams and homework.
“6 years of experience. M.Tech Degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Chennai, #1 college of India.”
Student’s Reviews: Engineering Drawing
Best tutors for Engineering Drawing
I never liked drawing as a kid, and that showed when I saw engineering drawing class. Although I love mechanics and machines, I could not do well in Engineering Drawing, so I took tutoring sessions to learn this course.

University of Colorado
Mechanical drawing homework help
I had homework due in 2 hours, and I knew I would get zero. I searched google and took help from an MEB expert in this field and got 97.6%. Excellent help. Professional service. Thanks.

Ahmad Almutairi
Kuwait university
Got help with my final year design project
I had to design a real-life machine that could melt plastics to make toys. MEB Engineering drawing expert helped me with the initial engineering drawing (draft) and the more detailed design on Solidworks. Excellent service.

How can MEB help with Engineering Drawing tutor?
Are you searching for an Engineering Drawing tutor who can help you with your homework? Or do you want a tutor who can provide online tutoring sessions? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are at the right place!
My Engineering Buddy (MEB) is a top online tutoring and homework help website. We specialize in mechanical engineering subjects like Engineering Drawing and many more.
Engineering Drawing online tutoring sessions for learning the concepts and problem solving
Private 1-on-1 sessions with an expert, ask any question, and get instant answers. Speed up your learning using our online tutoring service.
Get your Engineering Drawing homework done by our top experts
Are you stuck with your homework/assignment, project, or lab in Mechanical engineering or Engineering Drawing? We can help. WhatsApp us and share your requirement, and we will help you get unstuck faster at an affordable price.
Who uses our tutoring services?
Students studying engineering or technical courses in the USA, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, etc., form a significant chunk of our audience. Some students from the UK, Australia, and Germany also use our homework and tutoring services.
Can we do your Engineering Drawing homework?
Yes, we can do your Engineering Drawing homework. If you lack time to do it, are facing health issues, lagged in the class, your grades are low, or your teacher does not teach well, we can come to your rescue. If you have trouble doing your homework/lab/project/design and need assistance, feel free to contact us on WhatsApp, and we will help.
How does it work?
- WhatsApp your requirements
- Pay the fee via Credit card/Paypal
- Connect with an expert who can teach you or do your homework
How much will online Engineering Drawing tutoring cost me?
Online Engineering Drawing tutoring costs anywhere from $25 to $40 per hour. It varies as per the number of sessions, the complexity of the course, the assigned tutor, etc.
How much will Engineering Drawing homework help cost me?
The cost of Engineering Drawing homework depends on the number of questions, complexity, deadline, depth of details needed, etc. We can tell you the exact fee only after looking at your homework, so please share them now and get the quotation free of cost. Check our pricing page for more information.
Why choose us for Engineering Drawing help?
- 15+ years in tutoring and homework help service
- 6000+ 5-star reviews (average 4.93 rating)
- 24×7 student helpline
- 85000+ Assignments solved
- 79000+ tutoring sessions delivered
- Delighted students
- Pay-as-you-go, pricing model
- Excellent customer experience
- Expert Tutors with excellent subject knowledge
- Value for money pricing
- Excellent after-sales support
- We deliver what we promise
- Plagiarism-free, accurate solutions, always on time
- 100% privacy & confidentiality
About Engineering Drawing
What is Engineering Drawing?
Designing a new machine (or its component) or improving an existing one requires proper planning that starts with an Engineering drawing. It is a technical drawing that is used to convey information about an object. It is also called drafting. CADD (computer-aided design and drafting) tools make it much faster and more efficient.
To draw a complex object, we first draw a detailed drawing of the individual components and then link them together with a master drawing or assembly drawing.
What do we study in Engineering Drawing?
An introductory course on Engineering drawing covers the following broad topics:
- Geometrical Constructions, Loci, and Engineering Plane Curves
- Scales, Projections of Points, and Lines
- Projections on Auxiliary Reference Planes, Projections of Planes, Projections of Solids
- Sections of Solids, Intersection of Surfaces, Development of Surfaces
- Multiview Orthographic Projections, Sectional Views, Dimensioning, Auxiliary Views
- Reading Orthographic Projections, Isometric Projections
- Oblique Parallel Projections and Perspective Projections
- Threaded Fasteners, Riveted and Welded Joints
- Computer-aided Drafting or CADD
(Credit: Engineering Drawing by M. B. Shah and B. C. Rana)
Do I need a tutor in Engineering Drawing?
No, you do not necessarily need a tutor for Engineering Drawing, as most students do well without private tutoring. However, if required, you can hire a private tutor to teach Engineering Drawing or assist you with homework/assignments/lab/projects, etc.