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Geophysics Tutors
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Best Geophysics Tutors!
Don’t compromise your Grades! Start getting top grades in your Exams and Homework with an amazing tutor.
Pankaj K
Student’s Rating 4.97/5

I am an expert in Geophysics subject. Learn complex concepts in a 1:1 online tutoring session, or ask me to do your homework. I will ensure top grades in your exams and homework.
“15 years of experience. Top Tutor, M.Tech in Engineering Physics, IIT Kanpur”
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

I have vast experience in the core Engineering Physics subjects like Geophysics. Get online tutoring as well as homework help. I am a perfectionist, and it will also show up in your grades!
“23 years of experience. M tech Engineering Physics. BITS Pilani, 1992 Pass-out”
Jitendra S
Student’s Rating 4.92/5

I can explain complex concepts in easy to understand manner and solve problems fast. Top grades are assured in your Geophysics exams and homework.
“6 years of experience. M.Tech Degree in Engineering Physics from IIT Chennai, #1 college of India.”
Student’s Reviews: Geophysics
Easy to understand tutors
I tried many sites in the past for my Geophysics classes but was always disappointed. The tutors lacked knowledge as well as the skill to explain concepts in easy to digest manner. MEB tutors are way ahead. Thanks. 🤝

University of Colorado
Last moment homework help
I had a long homework in Geophysics which was due in 7 hours. I was about to get a zero, but I found MEB just in time (friend’s recommendation). They did the work in just 4 hours. Excellent grades!

Ahmad Almutairi
Kuwait university
Better than the Geophysics tutors near me
The tutors near me wanted $70/hr for Geophysics tutoring sessions. The fee is only $25/hour at MEB, and the tutors are excellent. I saved close to $1000 after taking 20+ classes. What a deal 😁

If you are searching for an excellent Geophysics tutor, you are at the right place.
How can MEB help you with Geophysics?
MEB provides the following educational services for Geophysics:
Geophysics Online tutoring
Asking questions in a class of 20-30 students is not always possible, and holding back your questions is also not good. So what is the solution?
Online tutoring in a 1 on 1 setup with a private tutor is the solution. We provide online tutoring in Geophysics and many other subjects at an affordable rate. You are always learning from the best as we hire and retain very high-standard tutors.
We use zoom, google meet, and online whiteboard to make the sessions thoroughly interactive. WhatsApp us to get started!
The tutoring price depends on the tutor and your grade. For an idea, our tutors charge anywhere from $15 to $40 per hour, and $25 per hour is the average rate. If you buy more sessions, we will provide volume discounts.
Geophysics Homework help
You can not solve the questions no matter how hard you try. Is the deadline too close for finishing homework on time?
No worries! Contact us on Whatsapp to get your homework solved. To get a free quotation for your homework, feel free to contact us anytime.
We help with the following broad topics of Geophysics
An introductory course in Geophysics covers the following topics. The list of topics can vary a lot from course to course and college to college, so the topics given are only for an idea!
Why choose My Engineering Buddy?
- Top tutors, top grades
- Affordable and value for money
- No strings attached pay as you go service
- Accurate solutions worth an A grade
About Geophysics
What is Geophysics?
Geophysics is an interdisciplinary science that studies and analyzes the earth’s physical properties and processes primarily via quantitative methods. It uses Physics, Engineering, Geology, and Mathematical concepts to investigate and research.
What does a Geophysicist measures?
A geophysicist measures magnetic and gravitational fields, natural electric current, temperatures, seismic waves, etc.
Difference between Geology and Geophysics
Geology | Geophysics |
It focuses more on the practical aspect and tries to use whatever is already available | It focuses more on the scientific aspect and tries to look for new developments and improvements |
Not Math Intensive | Very Math Intensive |
Geologists often collect the data | Geophysicists often analyze the data |
A Geologist spends more time in the field than a Geophysicist on average | A Geophysicist spends more time in the office and in front of the computer |
There are more Geologists than Geophysicists overall | Only a few (close to 10%) Geophysisits compared to Geologists |
Geologists usually can not do the work of Geophysicists | Geophysicists can do the work of Geologists as well |
For a detailed comparison, check this video.
What do we study in Geophysics?
The major topics that we study in a typical Geophysics course are as follows:
We start with Classical Geophysics which is mostly the history of Geophysics. Next, we study Wave Equation, Elasticity, Anisotropy, Rays, Maxwell’sMaxwell’s Equations, and the 3D Wave Equation. In the Wave Equation, we study the eikonal equation (Pythagoras, Michael Faraday). In elasticity, we study wave behavior, Stress, Strain and Hooke’sHooke’s law, Cartesian fields of rotation, dilation, etc.
To study the 3D wave equation, we first learn about the 1D wave equation. Subsequently, we learn plane, spherical and sinusoidal waves, Dispersion, Green’sGreen’s equation, and group velocity.
We study the waves’ reflection, refraction, diffraction, Ray tracing, Seismic modeling, and Migration by the WKBJ method.
Is Geophysics hard?
Compared to Geology, Geophysics is hard. Geophysics is highly mathematical, and unless you love Geology and Mathematics (and, of course, Physics), it will be an uphill task to study Geophysics. Choosing Geology is a good option for those lacking Math and Physics skills.
What does a Geophysicist measure?
A Geophysicist measures magnetic and gravitational fields, natural electric current, temperatures, seismic waves, etc.
Where can a Geophysisicst get a job?
A Geophysicist can get a job in
- Engineering and Construction firms
- Government sector viz defense, NASA, energy department, geological surveys, water resources, conservation, etc.
- Natural resources exploration firms (Mining, Petroleum, Coal, metals, etc.)
- Colleges and universities (as educators)
Do I need a tutor in Geophysics?
You may need a tutor for Geophysics if you want to learn efficiently and quickly. As it is highly mathematical, you may need a tutor if you struggle with the mathematical aspects of it.
Contact us to complete your assignments or set up an online tutoring session. Our student helpline team is available to help you 24×7 on WhatsApp.
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