Online Tutoring | Homework Help | Essay Writing | Test Preparation
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Get premium-quality 24/7 tutoring services like homework/assignment help, live sessions, essay writing, and test preparation at an affordable cost!
First, to book a tutoring session with an amazing MEB tutor, please contact us on WhatsApp. You can find the WhatsApp button at the bottom of this page (in the footer). Share your requirements with us, and we will book the session at your preferred date and time.
Second, please pay the fee via PayPal (or by credit card). The session is confirmed once we receive your payment.
Third, join the session when the time comes. We will provide a link to join the session on WhatsApp. You must be on a big-screen device like a laptop or a tablet for the best experience.
Thats it! The tutor will help you get top grades in your exams and homework. Feel free to ask all the questions that you have.
About the tutoring sessions
We at My Engineering Buddy use an online whiteboard service to deliver online tutoring sessions. Currently, we offer 1:1 live tutoring sessions. So there is one tutor who is connected to one student.
When you contact us on WhatsApp, we take down your request and connect you with the right tutor. Our online tutoring is very affordable. You can make the payment as per your tutoring requirements.
The tutor will join you on the online whiteboard at the scheduled time. You can interact using the inbuilt voice call feature, or you can also use the chat. Currently, we use Google Meet to conduct the sessions.
Our online whiteboard allows the tutor to write using a digital pen and pad system or an iPad and Apple Pencil system. You can view what he is writing and explaining in real-time. There is no lag at all. It makes learning very effective. Whiteboard has many features, like uploading documents (images and PDF files). On the whiteboard, you can point to the tutor where you have difficulty understanding. This real-time collaboration makes the tutoring sessions very effective.
There are two kinds of tutoring sessions: regular and on-demand.
Regular sessions are those that a student books well in advance for a future date and time. It’s as per their convenience, provided any tutor is also available at their preferred time. Such a session is helpful when a student needs tutoring regularly. It works best when the student always books the same or a few favourite tutors. It helps with accelerated learning over an extended period.
In an on-demand session, the student gets paired with any tutor available for the subject, and there is no need to book in advance. The student gets connected to any random tutor available. It is great if the student wants instant help with any question or concept and is okay with any tutor associated with him.
Online tutoring vs. face-to-face private tutoring
There are several advantages and disadvantages to online tutoring over the traditional face-to-face private tutoring method.
Its most significant advantage is high-quality tutoring, as it is possible to connect with almost any tutor in the world who is ready to teach online. So we can choose the right tutor as per our needs. There are considerable savings in tutoring fees as well. You can hire a tutor who is from a country where teaching costs are low.
Its most significant disadvantage is the absence of tools to monitor and control students, especially kids. The tutor can easily manage the kids in face-to-face tutoring, but it’s impossible to do so in an online environment. So for young students or kids, it’s important that parents also sit with them during each session. At times, it can be problematic for the parents. For more mature students, especially high school and college students, this issue is not there.