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Industrial Engineering Tutors
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Industrial Engineering Tutors
Don’t compromise your Grades! Start getting top grades in your Exams and Homework with an amazing tutor.
Pankaj K
Student’s Rating 4.97/5

I am an expert in Industrial engineering subjects. Learn complex concepts in a 1:1 online tutoring session, or ask me to do your homework. I will ensure top grades in your exams and homework.
“15 years of experience. Top Tutor, B.Tech in Industrial Engineering, IIT Kanpur”
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

I have vast experience in the core subjects of Industrial Engineering. Get online tutoring as well as homework help. I am a perfectionist, and it will also show up in your grades!
“23 years of experience. B tech Industrial Engineering. BITS Pilani, 1992 Pass-out”
Jitendra S
Student’s Rating 4.92/5

I can explain complex concepts in easy to understand manner and solve problems fast. Top grades are assured in your Industrial engineering exams and homework.
“6 years of experience. M.Tech Degree in Industrial Engineering from IIT Chennai, #1 college of India.”
Student’s Reviews : Industrial engineering
Best Industrial engineering tutors
I had a hard time learning Industrial engineering. A tutor at MEB helped me understand it in a way I got interested in this field. I also got all my homework, labs, and projects got done by the same tutor. Got an A+. Thanks.

University of Colorado
Got my homework done just in time
I had homework that was due in 3 hours, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to submit it on time. I searched for Industrial engineering homework help and found this fantastic website, and my HW was done just in time.

Ahmad Almutairi
Kuwait university
Better than my college professors
In our final year project, we had to design a skateboard factory. We contacted MEB’s Industrial engineering tutors to improve our design. After several hours of research, they changed our plan to make it 61% more efficient. Amazing!

How can MEB help you with Industrial engineering?
We provide the following two educational services in various engineering subjects and fields.
Online tutoring
Connect with a subject matter expert over an online whiteboard and start asking your questions that have been bothering you for ages. You can also ask our experts to solve your homework questions, do your projects, labs, essays, etc.
Homework help
Dont want live online tutoring sessions? No issues. Share your homework, and we will do it. We will provide unique step-by-step solutions to be as good as live interaction with the tutor.
You can also get fast answers to your assignments if time is limited. WhatsApp us for further information.
About Industrial engineering
What is Industrial engineering?
Industrial engineering is optimizing processes to reduce wastages(time, money, materials, energy, and other resources).
Industrial engineering is highly related to manufacturing, production, and Mechanical engineering.
Some industrial engineering principles are Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Information Systems, Process Capability, and DMAIC.
Difference between Industrial engineering and Manufacturing/Production engineering
An industrial engineer focuses on the human element involved in production/manufacturing (Eg: how the worker performs their job and how to improve it) along with other resources like machines, equipment, etc. Management science is an essential subject that an Industrial engineer studies.
On the other hand, a Manufacturing engineer primarily focuses on the machines and equipment to get the most efficient production process in place.
Difference between Manufacturing and Production
Manufacturing is making a finished product from raw materials. Example: Manufacturing of cars.
Production, however, is making a finished product from intangible resources (e.g., creative thinking, ideas, etc.) and raw materials. Example: Movie production, Software production.
What do we study in an Industrial engineering course?
Like all other engineering courses, we start with Engineering Physics, Math, Chemistry, Basic Electronics, Graphics, Computer programming, etc. in the first year.
In the second year, we study more applied subjects like Economics, Costing & Accounting, Information systems, Environmental science, Work system and design, Statistics, Production control, and planning, Industrial operation and research, etc.
In the third year, we focused more on advanced industrial engineering subjects like Mould manufacturing, Welding and casting, Tools and control of machines, Facility layout, and design, Applications of industrial materials, Inventory management system, Product simulation, etc.
In the fourth and final year, product development, Industrial processing technology, and many electives (for example, Management science) are taught. One needs to do a final year project and an internship to get hands-on experience in industrial engineering.
Career options after doing Industrial engineering
Educator: You can become a professor or teacher of Industrial engineering. You can also provide private tutoring to the students if you dont want to be employed anywhere. Additionally, if you want to keep practicing things learned in college, you can do tutoring on a part-time basis. If you are looking for an online tutoring and homework help job in industrial engineering, visit our online tutoring jobs page for more info, or WhatsApp us to get started.
Industrial designer, Industrial mechanic, Cost estimator, Quality engineer, Process engineer, Mechanical engineer, Energy efficiency engineer, Mechanical designer, Industrial engineer, etc. are jobs available to an Industrial engineering graduate.
Supply chain analyst, Industrial Electrician, Mechanic, Manufacturing technician, Quality assurance inspector, etc. are some of the major jobs you can do after industrial engineering. (For details, see
Do I need a tutor for my Industrial Engineering course?
Industrial Engineering is not too math heavy and is moderately complex. One can learn it independently, and a private tutor is unnecessary. Some subjects might be challenging and if you need an online tutor or a tutor near you for help, Contact us on our WhatsApp helpline. We will connect you with an excellent Industrial Engineering tutor for learning sessions or homework help.
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