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Inorganic Chemistry Tutor

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University of Nizwa, Oman

Inorganic chemistry lessons at a good price

I needed help from private inorganic chemistry tutors as my grades were falling. One of the expert online inorganic chemistry tutors taught me very well and helped me prepare for my tests and exams. He even adjusted to my time zone to conduct the sessions at a time so that they didn’t affect my regular academic activities.

Ben Reyes
New Jersey

MEB supported me very well in Inorganic chemistry

I am glad that one of my classmates told me about MEB when I struggled with inorganic chemistry homework assignments and the course in general. The MEB tutors were superb in adapting their approach to maximize my learning. I scored top grades throughout my course. I am glad I chose MEB as I benefitted so much from their tutoring service.

Ryan Graham
University of Bath, United Kingdom

Inorganic Chemistry Tutor Online

Want to learn inorganic chemistry? We have expert online inorganic chemistry tutors for you. Contact us for a free trial session.

Get Inorganic chemistry tutors at My Engineering Buddy

Your search for experienced inorganic chemistry tutors ends here. Our expert inorganic chemistry tutors are available 24X7 to help you with everything from fundamentals to advanced concepts and gain helpful expertise. With us, you will get the #1 Chemistry tutors who are expert in Inorganic, Organic, Physical & Analytical chemistry.

We offer a free trial session with an inorganic chemistry tutor for first-time users of our tutoring service. You can easily book a session by contacting us via our website. Representatives from our round-the-clock student helpline team are available on WhatsApp and will also help you choose a tutor suited to your requirements.

We provide

Online Inorganic chemistry tutoring

Inorganic chemistry homework help

You can get help with the following things for inorganic chemistry:

  • Inorganic chemistry basics
  • Complete lessons for the inorganic chemistry syllabus
  • Tutoring sessions for select topics
  • Inorganic chemistry homework help
  • Help with assignments and project work
  • Inorganic chemistry exam prep assistance

About Inorganic Chemistry

What is inorganic chemistry?

Inorganic chemistry is one of the essential branches of chemistry concerned with the properties, behavior, and synthesis of inorganic and organometallic compounds. This crucial discipline covers non-carbon-based chemical compounds.

It studies elements and compounds’ properties, structure, and reactions except for organic ones. For example, hydrocarbons and their derivatives don’t fall under inorganic chemistry.

Its sister branch, organic chemistry, complements it and deals with carbon-based compounds. The two disciplines aren’t always clearly distinct, as the subdiscipline of organometallic chemistry has a blend of inorganic and organic chemistry.

Inorganic chemistry, like other branches of chemistry, is a multi-disciplinary subject. It influences or draws from subjects like medicine, mathematics, biochemistry, physics, and astronomy.

Inorganic chemistry degree

Though some institutions may have inorganic chemistry courses, others usually don’t have a single course named inorganic chemistry at the undergraduate or the postgraduate levels in the inorganic chemistry curriculum. It is a vast field, and its subject matter can completely cover the whole or a part of many college and university courses.

There are also many specializations like those listed below for advanced studies.

  • Polymer chemistry
  • Organometallic chemistry
  • Catalysis
  • Atmospheric chemistry

Applications of inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry is instrumental in fields like materials science, agriculture, and catalysis. It plays a vital role in formulating, synthesizing, and processing fuels, medications, pigments, surfactants, coatings, etc.

Inorganic chemistry topics

  • Acids, Bases, and Salts
  • Transition Elements
  • P-Block Elements
  • s- Block Elements
  • Organometallic Chemistry
  • Coordination Number
  • Valence Bond Theory
  • Crystal Field Theory (CFT)

Careers in inorganic chemistry

A degree in inorganic chemistry can directly lead to a career in:

  • Ceramic manufacturing
  • Mining
  • Hazardous waste management
  • Material science
  • Geochemistry
  • Pharmacology
  • Environmental protection
  • Biotechnology
  • Geological survey

Inorganic chemistry textbooks

We have compiled a list of helpful inorganic chemistry reference textbooks

  • Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry by Gary Wulfsberg. Publisher – University Science Books
  • Inorganic Chemistry by Mark Weller, Tina Overton, Jonathan Rourke. Publisher – Oxford University Press
  • Principles of Inorganic Chemistry by Brian W. Pfennig. Publisher – Wiley
  • Inorganic Chemistry by Gary Miessler, Paul Fischer, Donald Tarr. Publisher – Pearson
  • Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry by Geoff Rayner-Canham, Tina Overton. Publisher – W. H. Freeman
  • Inorganic Chemistry by Catherine Housecroft, Alan Sharpe. Publisher – Pearson
  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J. D. Lee. Publisher ‏- Wiley-Blackwell
  • Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of Structure and Reactivity by Ellan A. Keiter, James E. Huhhey, Richard L. Keiter, Okhil K. Medhi. Publisher – Pearson
  • Medicinal and Biological Inorganic Chemistry by Ajay Kumar Goswami, Irena Kostova. Publisher – De Gruyter
  • Synthesis and Technique in Inorganic Chemistry – A Laboratory Manual by Gregory S. Girolami, Thomas B. Rauchfuss, Robert J. Angelici. Publisher – University Science Books