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Top Accounts Tutors

Divya R

Student’s Rating 4.97/5

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Knowledge 94%
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Accuracy 99%
  • Accounts tutoring online or near you for Engineering, College, High school. Homework help and Online tutoring by top tutor.

Neeraj K

Student’s Rating 4.93/5

Neeraj K Tutor Photo
Knowledge 97%
Speed 95%
Accuracy 97%
  • Get homework help and private tutoring online or near you in Accounts. For college and school students

Shubhendu M

Student’s Rating 4.96/5

Knowledge 99%
Speed 96%
Accuracy 94%
  • Accounts Online Tutoring ,Homework Help and  Test Prep by experienced and well qualified tutor. Instant help. Top grades.


Great accounting lessons when I needed them

I wasn’t faring very well in the introductory accounting class for over half a semester. The tutor at My Engineering Buddy was very patient and effective in getting me up to speed with the rest of my class and helping me complete the course successfully.

Gary Colbert

Bradley University, USA

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MEB tutors are real experts for the subjects they teach. In my opinion, it is hard to get such quality 1:1 tutoring sessions at such an affordable price. My online accounting tutor was really good.

David Madden

University of Bedfordshire, Great Britain

MEB accounts tutor was very helpful

I am forever grateful to my MEB accounts tutor, who helped me study the subject so well. He also guided me with my homework and projects. The tutors at MEB are great for many other subjects as well.

Eric Girard

Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

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Accounts Tutor

If you want to get quality accounting tutor help, you have reached the right place. Our team of expert tutors is available 24X7 to help you with private accounting lessons online which is affordable. It has helped students from many countries from varied academic backgrounds and educational systems.

It is easy to contact us via WhatsApp and book online tutoring sessions. Our student helpline team is available round the clock to assign a tutor suited to your learning requirements.

We provide Online tutoring, Homework help and Test preparation services in Accounts.

Our online accounts tutors can help you with the following things and more:

  • Develop a strong foundation
  • Learn advanced accounting concepts
  • Accounting homework help
  • Real-life applications of accounting
  • Accounting project and assignment assistance
  • Accounting exam preparation assistance
  • Specializations like payroll accounting

What is accounting?

Accounting is the act of recording and maintaining financial transactions for a business or an organization. The accounting process consists of filing, summarizing, analyzing, and reporting the commercial transactions to oversight agencies, stakeholders, regulators, and tax entities. The financial statements capture a summary of financial transactions over a fixed accounting period. Like a balance sheet, these financial statements summarize an entity’s financial position, operations, and cash flows.

Irrespective of the type and size of a commercial organization, accounting is a much-needed function for cost planning, decision making, and measuring economic performance. An in-house bookkeeper can perform basic accounting tasks. Still, only a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is suited for more extensive or advanced accounting activities. Professional accountants must follow the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) standards while preparing financial statements.

Types of accounting

Accounting activities are divided based on the activities and the target audience.

Managerial accounting

It is a branch of accounting that identifies, measures, analyzes, and interprets accounting information. Managers use it for making informed operational decisions.

Cost accounting

It employs “a systematic set of processes to record and report parameters of the manufacturing goods’ cost and services’ performance overall and in detail. It involves methods for recognizing, allocating, classifying, aggregating, and reporting such costs to compare them with standard costs.

Financial accounting

It is a specialized branch of accounting that records, maintains, summarizes, and reports the numerous transactions resulting from business operations over a given period.

Accounting topics

  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Revenue and Expenses
  • Debits and Credits
  • Working Capital and Liquidity
  • Assets, Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity
  • Statement of Cash Flows
  • Double-Entry System
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Payroll Accounting
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Bad Debt Expense
  • Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
  • Depreciation and Capital Budgeting
  • Margin Analysis and Profit Improvement
  • Business Investment Evaluation
  • Manufacturing and Non-manufacturing overheads
  • Standard and Activity-based costing
  • Break-even Point

Specializations in accounting

These are some of the standard accounting specializations:

  • Business accounting
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Fiduciary Accounting
  • International Accounting
  • Non-profit Accounting
  • Government Accounting
  • Political Campaign Accounting
  • Fund Accounting

Software for accounting

Accounting software or applications are programs that businesses, organizations, and individuals use to partially or fully automate accounting transactions and processes. Depending on the scale and utility of the application, It can have modules like inventory, accounts receivable, accounts payable.

There is a wide range of accounting applications to fit everyone’s needs, from the simplest to the most humongous and complex tasks. These applications usually either run on local hardware managed by the business or the company itself or virtually on cloud-based infrastructure. Some of the popular accounting applications are:

  • QuickBooks Accounting
  • Wave Accounting
  • Microsoft Excel
  • SAP Accounting

Accounting in real-life

Accounting is the lifeline of any business or organization. The following activities and many more are dependent on proper accounting:

Planning and operations

It involves processes and procedures like procurement planning, sales and marketing, stock, profit margins, and quality management. It also uncovers insights such as management efficiency and capital investment.

Regulatory compliance

All organizations must comply with statutory rules. The regulations and laws vary in different places, and accounting makes compliance an easy thing for a business. It addresses various tax liabilities such as income tax, VAT, sales tax, and pension funds.

Performance monitoring and evaluation

The financial statements and records help understand the financial health of the business and its position for parameters like gross margin, expenses, and debt.

Budgeting and business projections

Historical data and financial records drive the business projects and trends, helping to keep the operations profitable.

Accounting textbooks

Here is a list of some accounting books for your reference:

  • Fundamentals of Financial Accounting by Fred Phillips (Associate Professor), Shana Clor-Proell, Robert Libby, Patricia Libby. Publisher ‏- McGraw-Hill Education
  • Fundamental Accounting Principles by John Wild, Ken Shaw, Barbara Chiappetta. Publisher – McGraw-Hill
  • Accounting by Carl S. Warren, Christine Jonick, Jennifer Schneider. Publisher ‏- Cengage Learning
  • Accounting Principles by Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso. Publisher ‏- Wiley
  • Basic Accounting Concepts, Principles, and Procedures, Volume 1 by Gregory Mostyn. Publisher – Worthy and James Publishing
  • Intermediate Accounting by Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J Weygandt, Terry D Warfield. Publisher – Wiley
  • Advanced Accounting by Debra C. Jeter, Paul K. Chaney. Publisher – Wiley

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