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Soil Mechanics Tutors
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

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Ankesh J
Student’s Rating 4.86/5

Tutor for Soil Mechanics and other Civil engineering subjects. Online tutoring and homework help services.
Jitendra S
Student’s Rating 4.92/5

Soil Mechanics Tutor for live tutoring sessions. Can help in assignments, quizzes, homework etc . Civil engineering major.
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Soil Mechanics Tutoring
How can MEB help with Soil Mechanics?
MEB provides top civil engineering tutors who can help you ace your soil mechanics exams and homework. We provide live 1:1 online tutoring sessions where you will get connected to a tutor and ask all your questions. It helps in learning, and as a result, you can get better grades. If you need help with your soil mechanics homework, we provide help with that too. We also help you with projects, assignments, quizzes, and exams in the soil mechanics course.
Being an online tutoring and homework help service provider, we provide help to students globally. So no matter where you are from and what your course syllabus is, we can help.
Our services are affordable, and our handpicked team of top tutors came to help you instantly whether you need to learn online or get your homework done. Our student helpline team is available 24×7, and we can help you any time, provided you book a session in advance.
About Soil Mechanics
It is the study of soil that combines Soil physics and Applied mechanics to study soil behavior. We build almost all structures on the ground; no matter how rigid the superstructure is, the whole system may fail if the substructure (foundation) is not strong. Consequently, Soil mechanics and foundation engineering go hand in hand.
Karl Terjhagi, the father of Soil mechanics, commented on foundations.
“Fundations can appropriately be described as a necessary evil. If a building is to be constructed on an outcrop of sound rock, no foundation is required. Hence, in contrast to the building itself, which satisfies specific needs, appeals to the aesthetic sense, and fills its matters with pride, the foundations merely serve as a remedy for the deficiencies of whatever whimsical nature has provided for the support of the structure at the site which has been selected. On account of the fact that there is no glory attached to the foundations and that the sources of success or failures are hidden deep in the ground, building foundations have always been treated as stepchildren; and their acts of revenge for the lack of attention can be very embarrassing.“
Compared to all the other materials used in construction, the main problem with soil is its heterogeneous nature. The soil properties are different from place to place, and no matter how much theory one knows and applies, the “ground reality” may always surprise us. A good mix of theory and practical knowledge is essential to design better foundations. It contrasts with other materials like steel, concrete, cement, etc., where the properties are very predictable, and rules of thumb are enough in most cases.
Soil mechanics, along with Rock mechanics, forms geomechanics, which is the basis of geotechnical engineering. Engineering geology and geological engineering are closely related to geotechnical engineering (these are sub disciples of Geology). The difference lies mainly with the practitioner’s level of expertise and experience. We use the principles of Soil mechanics in Geophysical engineering, coastal engineering, agricultural engineering, hydrology, and soil physics, which are closely related disciplines.
An excellent theoretical and practical knowledge of soil is necessary to design better structures. Hence, soil mechanics and its related branches are vital to civil engineering study and its application.
Soil mechanics topics
- soil formation and characterization
- soil phase relationships, index properties, and classification
- soil permeability and seepage
- effective stress and pore water pressure
- stress distribution in soils due to surface loads
- compressibility and consolidation
- shear strength of soil
- soil exploration
- stability of slopes
- lateral earth pressure
- shallow foundation: ultimate bearing capacity, safe bearing pressure, and settlement calculation, combined footings and mat foundations
- deep foundation: pile foundation, the a-vertical load-bearing capacity of a single vertical pile group, the behavior of laterally loaded vertical and batter piles, drilled pier foundations
- foundation on collapsible and expansive soils
- concrete and mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls
- sheet pile walls and braced cuts
- soil improvements
(Topics credit: Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Civil and Environmental Engineering) by V.N.S. Murthy)
Best place to get civil engineering tutors
I needed help with my Geotechnical engineering course homework and quizzes. I must tell you that MEB has a team of top tutors for various subjects, including Soil mechanics. The tutor connected with me on an online whiteboard and explained all the nuances of soil mechanics to me step-by-step—very productive sessions.

Sultan Al Zaabi
Khalifa University, UAE
Soil mechanics tutoring at its best
I tried many tutors in the first 3 months of my civil engineering studies, but I have settled on MEB for good, and I will stick with them for the remaining years of my college. Compared to other so-called “experts,” this is the only website that falsely claims something. Their “top grades guaranteed” punchline is not very far from the truth. Soil mechanics tutor knew everything I wanted to learn.

David Bannister
University of Central Florida
Got Help with Engineering Geology course
Soil mechanics is a vital part of engineering geology. I wanted to clear my doubts on many topics, and for that, I connected with a soil mechanics tutor of MEB. The tutor joined me on WhatsApp, and I shared my zoom meeting URL. The session happened over there. My tutor was excellent, and I understood all the explained topics. I will use it in future courses too. Thanks.

Thomas Campbell
Newcastle University School of Engineering
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