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Structural Engineering Tutor
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Structural Engineering Tutor
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

Structural Engineering, Structural analysis and other Civil engineering subjects
Mechanics of Materials
Ankesh J
Student’s Rating 4.86/5

Mechanics of Materials
Structural Engineering, Structural analysis and other Civil engineering subjects
Jitendra S
Student’s Rating 4.92/5

Structural Engineering, Structural analysis and other Civil engineering subjects
Mechanics of Materials
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Structural Engineering Tutor
Structural Engineering Tutors at My Engineering Buddy
At MEB, we have experienced structural engineering tutors to help you learn the subject or finish your homework faster. We also provide live exam preparation services. Our 24X7 service is easy to book via WhatsApp. You can contact our friendly student helpline staff to pair you with a suitable online structural analysis tutor based on your requirements.
Our tutors gauge the appropriate learning speed of the student. Subsequently, they pace the sessions accordingly, so the student derives maximum benefits. The tutors use an online whiteboard platform with file-sharing features and multimedia capabilities for effective student-teacher interaction. It results in an excellent virtual learning environment for the students.
What is structural engineering?
Structural engineering is the engineering field that deals with the strength and structural integrity of structures or buildings. It is one of the critical specializations of civil engineering responsible for structures’ safe and stable design.
Structural engineers analyze and design structures that counteract or reinforce loads to facilitate construction and maintenance. The safe development of proposed structures and the maintenance of the existing ones isn’t possible without a deep understanding of structural engineering. Structural engineers focus on the material elements and load-bearing design for construction projects of all forms and sizes high-rises, bridges, culverts, bridges, and parking garages. Strength of materials is an important subject in structural engineering course.
Some common types of projects that fall under structural analysis include:
- Designing bridges and rehabilitation
- Retaining walls and deep foundations
- Design and renovation of buildings
- Condition assessment of buildings and bridges
Structural design provides comprehensive floor live-load ratings and condition assessments for roofing assessments, existing buildings, and material recommendations, among other analyses.
Structural engineering as a part of civil engineering
Civil engineering is the broad engineering discipline dealing with human-made constructions in our world. That includes all roads, private and public buildings, airports, and water systems. It has vital and practical sub-disciplines such as water/wastewater engineering, construction engineering, traffic engineering, environmental engineering, and structural engineering.
All structural engineers are indeed civil engineers, but every civil engineer is not necessarily a structural engineer. Civil engineers work on various infrastructure projects and engineering assignments of varying scales.
Structural engineering books
These are some of the best structural engineering textbooks and exam preparation materials for your reference.
- Fundamentals of Structural Engineering by Jerome J. Connor, Susan Faraji. Publisher – Springer
- Structural Engineering Handbook by Mustafa Mahamid, Edwin Gaylord, Charles Gaylord. Publisher – McGraw Hill
- Structural Engineering Formulas by Ilya Mikhelson, Tyler Hicks. Publisher – McGraw Hill
- PPI Structural Engineering Solved Problems for the SE Exam: Comprehensive Practice in Structural Engineering Concepts, Methods, and Standards for the NCEES SE Exam by C. Dale Buckner Ph.D. PE. Publisher – PPI, a Kaplan Company
- PPI PE Structural Reference Manual – Complete Review for the NCEES PE Structural Engineering (SE) Exam by Alan Williams Ph.D. SE FICE C Eng. Publisher – PPI, a Kaplan Company
- Steel Design by William T. Segui. Publisher – Cengage Learning

Best online tutoring at affordable fees
My Engineering Buddy was a real find for me in my university days. They helped me in so many civil engineering subjects, including structural engineering.

Behrooz Hakimi
British University in Dubai
Great structural engineering tutors
I learned many structural engineering problem-solving techniques from an excellent online tutor at My Engineering Buddy. A great website to find tutors.

Oliver Miller
Case Western Reserve University
Highly recommended tutoring service
The online structural tutorials by the teachers helped me get top grades as they had promised. Their approach to personalized tutoring worked very well for me.

Roegina Bohren
University of Oxford, Switzerland
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