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Top Finance Tutors
Divya R
Student’s Rating 4.97/5

Finance Tutoring online or near you for Engineering, Management& College. Homework/Assignment help by top tutor.
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

Get private tutoring online or near you in Finance. For Engineering, College and Management students.
Shubhendu M
Student’s Rating 4.96/5

Finance Online Tutoring and Homework Help by experienced and well qualified tutor. Instant help. Top grades.
Learned basic finance from My Engineering Buddy
I never thought a website like My Engineering Buddy would have such good finance tutors. It turns out that they have expert tutors for many non-engineering subjects too. They helped me with finance subjects whenever I reached out to them.

Mark Rodham, New Hampshire, USA
Finance experts at MEB
I had taken some finance electives in the undergraduate program. As I wasn’t sure if I could have found a good finance tutor near me, I decided to search for one online. Found a good one from MEB. He helped me with lessons and homework very well.

Fahad Al Azmi, American University of Kuwait
Good tutoring website with smooth operations
My experience with My Engineering Buddy has been very impressive. Booking sessions for banking and finance tutorials was easy, and the quality of teachers was superb. They use an online whiteboard that works very well and supports good interaction with the tutor.

Miller Brooks, Lancaster University
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Finance Tutor
Learn finance from expert tutors
Welcome to the online home of the best finance teachers. At My Engineering Buddy, we are available 24X7 providing online tutoring to students and finance professionals. Even people who want to explore finance as a hobby or understand topics like personal financial management or the stock market benefit from our private tutoring sessions.
Reach out to us via WhatsApp with your requirements for finance tutoring. We will help you book sessions with a specialist tutor based on it. We want to make quality tutoring affordable for everyone. Our charges are quite affordable and we give good discounts on bigger packages. For more info, message us on WhatsApp.
Our model of imparting education is beneficial for those who find it a challenge to learn in a classroom environment due to a lack of personal attention from the teachers. The virtual private sessions held over an online whiteboard provide the students a platform for meaningful interaction with the tutor.
Students can also learn problem-solving techniques during these online sessions. Our tutors also help guide students with homework, projects, and assignments.
There are a lot of subjects that are now part of most of the popular finance programs or are helpful for finance students. We have excellent tutors for statistics and probability, machine learning, Python, microeconomics, macroeconomics, and data analysis. You can look at our online tutoring homepage to learn about all the subjects for which we offer online tutorials.
About Finance
What is Finance?
Finance is the term used for creation, management and study of money (and its investment). At individual level the same is called personal finance, at company level, corporate finance whereas at the government level, public finance.
Finance topics
- Time value of money
- Interest and interest rates
- Investment and portfolio
- Assets and asset types
- Capital asset pricing model
- Liquidity and leverage
- Financial modeling
- Accounting and cash flow
Applications of finance
Finance drives the economy and forms the backbone of commerce. There are many branches of finance, including the classic and modern specializations in the field. Here is a list of some of its prominent applications in real life.
- Entreprenuerial finance
- Corporate finance
- Healthcare finance
- Personal finance
- Quantitative finance
- Microfinance
Careers in finance
The world of finance is full of promising career paths and lucrative options. Some of the options for a finance student are:
- Financial and Credit Analyst
- Accounting and auditing
- Investment banker
- Venture capitalist
- Financial adviser
- Retail and commercial banker
- Financial planner
- Chartered accountant
- Financial Manager
- Loan Officer
- Financial Risk manager
- Asset manager
- Budget Analyst
- Portfolio manager
- Economist
Finance textbooks
- We have made a list of some finance textbooks with diverse topics and applications:
- Introduction to Finance – Markets, Investments, and Financial Management by Ronald W. Melicher, Edgar A. Norton. Publisher – Wiley
- Financial Planning & Analysis and Performance Management (Wiley Finance) by Jack Alexander
- Essentials of Corporate Finance by Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Bradford Jordan. Publisher – McGraw-Hill Education
- Entrepreneurial Finance – Venture Capital, Deal Structure & Valuation by Janet Kiholm Smith, Richard L. Smith. Publisher – Stanford Business Books
- How Finance Works – The HBR Guide to Thinking Smart About the Numbers by Mihir Desai. Publisher – Harvard Business Review Press
- Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Financial Statements and Financial Ratios (R-Rated Education) by Paul Borosky MBA. Publisher –
- A First Course in Quantitative Finance by Thomas Mazzoni. Publisher – Cambridge University Press
- Advances in Financial Machine Learning by Marcos Lopez de Prado. Publisher – Wiley
- Artificial Intelligence in Finance – A Python-Based Guide by Yves Hilpisch. Publisher – O’Reilly Media

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