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JavaScript Tutor
JS Coding tutor for College, Engineering, High school students & Professionals
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Our JavaScript Tutors
Don’t compromise with your JavaScript learning! Start getting A+ in your Projects, Quizzes & Assignments with an amazing JS Tutor.
Divya R
Student’s Rating 4.97/5

JavaScript Tutor. Can help with projects and assignments on JavaScript. Computer science and engineering expert.
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

Best tutor for JavaScript (JS) assignment help. Get help with complicated JavaScript projects and also with online quizzes etc.
Shubhendu M
Student’s Rating 4.96/5

JavaScript Tutor online or near you. Private 1:1 sessions. 10+ year of JS coding experience on hands on projects. Best service assured.
Testimonials: JavaScript
Learned the basics of JS, CSS, and HTML
What’s not to like! My Engineering Buddy has a 24X7 customer support service and offers some of the most affordable private coding lessons online. Most importantly, their tutors deliver excellent tutorials over an interactive whiteboard and patiently solve all doubts the student may have.

Bernardine Jackson, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Best place to master JavaScript
I had tried some JavaScript tutors near me. However, I wasn’t satisfied with the way things went in the sessions with them. Hence, when I found MEB online, I requested for a trial session with them. It turned out very good, and hence, I continued to learn from the same tutor. I am really confident in JavaScript programming now, and a lot of credit goes to the teacher at MEB.

William Meyer, Durham, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
MEB gets all the credit for my programming expertise
I now work as a web developer in a promising start-up, but I had initially struggled to learn JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. The tutors at MEB were of great help in those days. They worked with me and helped me gain confidence and knowledge very quickly. I also had one of their tutors as a mentor for some time when I joined the company.

Shahraban al Majid, Dubai
JavaScript Tutor
How can MEB help with JavaScript programming
Are you looking to learn Javascript programming skills? If the answer is yes, you are among the millions of people who learn this powerful coding tool every year. Not just professionals and students but hobbyists and amateur programmers in large numbers also use it. My Engineering Buddy is the right place to learn and perfect JavaScript for future success.
Online JavaScript Tutoring
Our expert JavaScript online tutors are the best in business when it comes to helping anyone learn anything about this strong web development programming language. They have taught the whole range of learners, from those who want to get started to those who need help with advanced topics. They are expert Computer programming tutors.
If you feel private tutoring sessions work better for you than classroom settings, contact our student helpline team to book online tutoring sessions. We are available 24X7 to fulfill all your learning requirements for engineering and non-engineering subjects, including computer programming languages like HTML and CSS.
JavaScript Homework help
We also provide help with JavaScript homework, assignments, and guidance and mentoring for educational and professional projects.
About JavaScript
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript (abbreviated JS) is a popular programming language that more than 97% of websites use.It is used for client-side web pages, often with third-party libraries. Alongside HTML and CSS, it is one of the internet’s core technologies. All major web browsers use a dedicated JavaScript engine to run the code on end-user devices.
JS is a text-based coding language that developers use both on the server-side and client-side for making web pages interactive. In contrast to CSS and HTML, the languages that give style and structure to web pages, JavaScript provides interactive elements to engage a user.
Javascript topics
- Objects and Prototype
- Variable Scope and Hoisting
- JavaScript Closures
- Higher-Order Functions like Callback
- Call, Apply, and Bind Methods
- Learn HTML5, CSS3, and Responsive WebSite Design
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in JavaScript
- Meteor.js and Node.js
- Custom Events with PubSub
- Testing JavaScript Applications
- Browser Object Model (BOM)
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- Front-end Frameworks
- ECMAScript 3 and 5
- Design Patterns
- Handling Errors and Debugging the Code
Where is Javascript used?
Web applications
JavaScript offers frameworks for robust web application development.
Web development
Almost all the websites, including the biggest ones like Google, YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn, extensively use JavaScript to develop interactive content.
Server-side applications
JavaScript offers Node.js open-source runtime environment to write, test, and debug server-side software.
JavaScript plays an increasingly important role in gaming application development due to its combination with HTML5.
Mobile and smartwatch apps
With the dominance of mobile devices and projected proliferation in smartwatches, JavaScript frameworks are suitable to enable mobile app development across various popular platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows.
Javascript textbooks
Here is a list of JavaScript reference books:
- JavaScript – The Definitive Guide: Master the World’s Most-Used Programming Language by David Flanagan. Publisher – O’Reilly Media
- JavaScript from Beginner to Professional – Learn JavaScript quickly by building fun, interactive, and dynamic web apps, games, and pages by Laurence Lars Svekis, Maaike van Putten, Rob Percival. Publisher – Packt Publishing
- Eloquent JavaScript – A Modern Introduction to Programming by Marijn Haverbeke. Publisher - No Starch Press
- JavaScript and jQuery – Interactive Front-End Web Development by Jon Duckett. Publisher - Wiley
- JavaScript Explained – Step-by-Step Guide to the Most Common and Reliable JS Techniques by Zac Gordon, Robbie Adair, Mikall Angela Hill
- Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript – A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites by Robin Nixon. Publisher – O’Reilly Media
- Learning Web Design – A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics by Jennifer Robbins. Publisher – O’Reilly Media
- Hands-on JavaScript for Python Developers – Leverage your Python knowledge to quickly learn JavaScript by Sonyl Nagale. Publisher – Packt Publishing
- JavaScript Patterns – Build Better Applications with Coding and Design Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov. Publisher – O’Reilly Media
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