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Math Tutor

Ace your Math Exams & Homework. (For High School, College, and Engineering students and aspirants).

Top Tutors • Top Grades • 24X7 • Affordable  • Online Math Tutoring Service

Our Top Math Tutors!

Don’t compromise your Grades! Start getting A+ in your Math Exams and Homework with an amazing Math tutor.

Our Math tutors can help you with Calculus, Statistics, Discrete Math, Algebra (Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, College Algebra), Linear Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Advanced engineering math, Finite math, Sat math, Act math, etc. Apart from online tutoring, we also provide Math homework help!

Divya R

Student’s Rating 4.97/5

Divya R Tutor Photo
Knowledge 94%
Speed 100%
Accuracy 99%
  • Calculus, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Discreet Math, Statistics & Probability (Matlab, MINITAB, EXCEL, R, JMP etc)

Shubhendu M

Student’s Rating 4.96/5

Shubhendu M Tutor photo
Knowledge 99%
Speed 96%
Accuracy 94%
  • Calculus 1,2,3

  • Differential Equations

  • Engineering Math

  • Linear Algebra

  • Statistics & Probability

Hemendra K

Student’s Rating 4.88/5

Knowledge 91%
Speed 93%
Accuracy 94%
  • Basic Math, Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Trigonometry etc for high school and college students


Top math tutor at a lower cost

I was looking for a math tutor near me, but my father suggested that I look for a maths tutor online. I found a college math tutor at MEB and it saved me lot of money. The tutor was excellent.

University of Colorado

Syllabus covered really quick

The math tutor at my engineering buddy quickly helped me learn various engineering math topics. It was beneficial that the learning was quick as I had approached him quite late into my semester.


100% in math homework

The math tutor at my engineering buddy quickly helped me learn various engineering math topics. It was beneficial that the learning was quick as I had approached him quite late into my semester.

New York

Online MathTutoring

My engineering buddy provides the best help for online tutoring. We have the best online math tutors who help you learn the subject using an online whiteboard in a personalized environment. Every online math tutor associated with my engineering buddy is a qualified math teacher who has years of experience helping students worldwide.

Why choose My Engineering Buddy?

My Engineering buddy was established about 15 years ago with the sole aim of helping students learn engineering and Science subjects in a one-on-one environment. This kind of learning is very different from a classroom environment where the student does not have the tutor’s full attention. Some students learn very well in a classroom environment, but many others struggle to cope with many subjects. Math is one of the subjects.

Through our experience, we found that many students find math difficult as they did not gain a good foundation when they were in school. This problem carries on even when they reach college or university. Mathematics is the language of many other subjects like physics, statistics, probability, and advanced courses. That is why it is even more important to learn and build a solid foundation in math, and it is never too late to do that.

What are the topics in maths that the private maths tutors teach?

Our math tutors cover various topics, including algebra statistics and probability calculus trigonometry and many others. Some of the best online math tutors work with us. If you have a chapter in mind that is not listed here, get in touch with the student helpline, and we will try our best to bring you the math tutorial for that topic.

Why online tutoring for math?

Many students think if I can get a math tutor near me, I can learn the subject. However, that limits them only to the tutors available in the geographical area. Using the online tutoring service at My Engineering Buddy, you will quickly locate the best math tutor online. Looking for a private math tutor doesn’t have to be restrictive anymore. With the world going online, you can access the best online math tutors, including college math tutors, at the click of a button. The online whiteboard used by us delivers a rich real-life experience. It is as good as being face to face with the teacher. You can share files and interact with the tutor the same way you would if the tutor was physically present in front of you. As it is personalized, it has a considerable advantage over your learning in a large group.

How much does it cost?

Math tutor cost at my engineering buddy is very pocket friendly. You can book one session to try our service or book a multi-hour package to save on the math tutor cost. Our charges are very affordable can have great value for the learning that they deliver. Today’s academic environment tends to be very competitive. Students often go to great lengths to perform well in their courses. Just one session with our math tutor online will tell you that the money spent on online math lessons at my engineering buddy is worth the Math tutor price.

When we ask students for their feedback, the first thing that you often get to hear is that learning effectiveness is worth so many more times than their fees. Many students prefer to learn with their peer group of 2-3 students. It further brings the math tutor cost down and makes the already affordable math tutor price even more attractive. For free resources check Wolfrom Alpha Math page.

How effective is it?

A math tutorial by a private math tutor at my engineering buddy is many times more effective than learning in a classroom. It is especially true for the students who don’t cope well in a classroom environment. Students and their parents often think that the private math tutor near me is the best in helping them learn. They believe that the math tutor in my area would teach me very well. A few decades ago, this was the case as the internet was not available, and no one provided online learning services.

Things have completely changed now with education moving to online platforms. We have hand-picked some of the best and the most experienced tutors together. These tutors are vastly experienced in teaching math and are also excellent in understanding the student’s requirements. In the first session, the math tutor gauges the student’s needs and the pace best suited to learning math. This personalized approach has worked very well for the students who need a private math tutor. The interaction is much more with the maths tutor online than what typically happens for an individual student in a classroom. Many students told us that our website is the best math tutor website. They also often mention that they are found the best math tutor online on our website.

How to book a session with the best math tutor online

You can book a session directly by contacting us on WhatsApp. We will assign a tutor for you and tell you the fee. Once you pay the session gets confirmed and you can start getting your tutoring sessions.