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Online Trigonometry & Geometry tutoring for CG, MG and LG level students
Shubhendu M
Student’s Rating 4.96/5

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Trigonometry Tutor Online
How My Engineering Buddy can help you with Trigonometry?
At My Engineering Buddy, we are here to help you with private online trigonometry tutorials and homework help at all academic levels. We have a team of versatile math tutors for a subject as wide-ranging in curriculum and applications as trigonometry. They have helped students from high school to college and university with advanced trigonometry and mathematics.
My Engineering Buddy, also known as MEB, is a hub of handpicked online tutors for various engineering and science subjects and much more. They have vast experience teaching students from multiple countries who follow. We use a state-of-the-art online whiteboard with the best file-sharing and tutor-student interaction features. That is to ensure maximum value and learning for the students.
Our student helpline representatives are available 24X7 to help you connect with the best online trigonometry teachers. You can reach us on WhatsApp to book affordable private tutorials with an experienced trigonometry tutor. As students have different requirements and expectations for trigonometry, we will assign the most suited trigonometry tutor based on your needs.
Our expert trigonometry tutors can help students with:
- learning basics of trigonometry
- high-school trigonometry lessons
- understanding trigonometric formulas
- preparing a handy trigonometric formula sheet
- trigonometry problem-solving techniques
- trigonometry homework help
- preparing useful trigonometry notes
- trigonometry exam preparation
- college-level trigonometry tutorials
- understanding real-life applications of trigonometry
About Trigonometry
What is trigonometry?
Trigonometry deals with the relationship among the sides and angles of a triangle. There is a particular emphasis on right angles and right triangles. Like algebra, trigonometry first appeared in the ancient Middle found its way to Europe, passing through Greece, India, and medieval Arabia and riding the waves of trade and immigration.
Trigonometry is heavily interspersed throughout geometry, as every straight-sided shape is a collection of triangles. It also has close relationships to other math branches like particular logarithms, infinite series, complex numbers, and calculus.
Where is trigonometry used?
Trigonometry is one of the foundations of astronomy. Astronomers use the properties of triangles to measure the distance between celestial bodies. Trig also has applications in many other fields, such as biology, game development, medical imaging, financial analysis, music theory, cryptology, and seismology.
Trigonometry topics
- Right triangles and trigonometry
- Trigonometric ratios
- Sine and cosine of complementary angles
- The reciprocal trigonometric ratios
- Trigonometric functions
- Applications of trigonometric functions
- The Pythagorean identity
- Amplitude, midline, and period
- Graphs of sin(x), cos(x), and tan(x)
- Sinusoidal equations and models
- Inverse trigonometric functions
- Inverse circular functions
- Analytical trigonometry
- Angle addition identities
- Double-angle and half-angle formulas
- Product-to-sum and sum-to-product formulas
- Trigonometric equations
- The law of sines and cosines
- Harmonic motion
- Polar coordinates
- Complex numbers in polar form
- Vectors and dot product
Trigonometry textbooks
- Trigonometry by Margaret Lial, John Hornsby, David Schneider, Callie Daniels. Publisher - Pearson
- Trigonometry by Ron Larson. Publisher - Cengage Learning
- Trigonometry Review and Workbook by William Clark, Sandra Luna McCune. Publisher – McGraw-Hill Education
- College Trigonometry by Richard N. Aufmann, Vernon C. Barker, Richard D. Nation. Publisher – Cengage Learning
- Algebra and Trigonometry by James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, Saleem Watson. Publisher – Cengage Learning
- Trigonometry – A Complete Introduction – The Easy Way to Learn Trig by Hugh Neill. Publisher – Teach Yourself
- A Graphical Approach to Algebra & Trigonometry by Margaret Lial, John Hornsby, Gary Rockswold, Callie Daniels. Publisher - Pearson
- College Algebra & Trigonometry by Julie Miller, Donna Gerken. Publisher – McGraw-Hill

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5-Star Ratings

Best Trigonometry tutor
Very good trigonometry tutor at MEB
Before contacting MEB, I had never booked an online tutoring session for my son, who is in high school. They provided him excellent support by way of online trigonometry and geometry classes.

Sean Harris
San Francisco, USA
Brilliant tutoring service that is affordable
An excellent experienced tutor at My Engineering Buddy helped me learn advanced trigonometry and score top grades in my college trigonometry course. I highly recommend them to you for all your tutoring requirements.

Aleksandra Zwick
University of Warsaw, Poland
My Engineering Buddy helped me score top grades
The trigonometry tutor who guided me with trigonometry lessons was a very experienced and patient teacher. I also took algebra and calculus tutoring sessions from them, and those were also excellent.

Ammara Al Shehhi
Canadian University, Dubai
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