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AP Physics C Tutor
(AP Physics C-Mechanics, AP Physics C- Electricity, and Magnetism. We have AP Physics tutors for AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2 as well)
Ace your AP Physics C Exams with a 5/5 score!
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Top AP Physics C Tutors!
Don’t compromise with your AP Physics Score!
Get 5/5 in your AP Exams and labs with an amazing tutor.
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

AP Physics C Tutoring for Mechanics & Electricity and Magnetism courses.
Manish A
Student’s Rating 4.92/5

Coaching for AP Physics C-Mechanics & AP Physics C-Electricity and Magnetism course.
Siddhant M
Student’s Rating 4.81/5

Tutor for AP Physics 1,2 & C. Get 5/5 score.
Got 5/5 in both AP Physics C exams
My MEB tutor did a lot of hard work for both my exams. Whenever I got 5-6 problems I could not solve, I contacted them for help. Their step-by-step solutions made my understanding crystal clear. Well done!

University of Colorado
10 hrs tutoring per month for a 4/5 score in AP Physics C
I am not very good in Physics, but with just 10 hrs per month of AP Physics C tutoring, I scored a credible 4/5 in both exams. My tutors gave me just enough practice problems, which helped me master the course with little effort.

Cornell University
Saved $6000 in AP Physics C tutoring fees
I hired an AP Physics C tutor near me who charged me $60/hr, and I needed tutoring for 15 hrs/month. I got a tutor of the same quality at MEB for just $20 per hour (discounted price due to high volume). It saved me $6000 in 10 months.!!!

Nabil Al Awadi
North Carolina State University
AP Physics Topics
AP Physics 1 topics:
Unit 1: Kinematics
Unit 2: Dynamics
Unit 3: Circular Motion and Gravitation
Unit 4: Energy
Unit 5: Momentum
Unit 6: Simple Harmonic Motion
Unit 7: Torque and Rotational Motion
AP Physics 2 topics:
Unit 1: Fluids
Unit 2: Thermodynamics
Unit 3: Electric Force, Field, and Potential
Unit 4: Electric Circuits
Unit 5: Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
Unit 6: Geometric and Physical Optics
Unit 7: Quantum, Atomic, and Nuclear Physics
AP Physics C- Mechanics topics:
Unit 1: Kinematics
Unit 2: Newton’s Laws of Motion
Unit 3: Work, Energy, and Power
Unit 4: Systems of Particles and Linear Momentum
Unit 5: Rotation
Unit 6: Oscillations
Unit 7: Gravitation
AP Physics C- Electricity and Magnetism topics:
Unit 1: Electrostatics
Unit 2: Conductors, Capacitors, Dielectrics
Unit 3: Electric Circuits
Unit 4: Magnetic Fields
Unit 5: Electromagnetism
AP Physics C Tutor
Welcome to My Engineering Buddy’s online AP Physics C Tutoring service.
How can MEB AP physics C tutors help you?
MEB provides the best AP Physics C tutors to help you get a perfect 5/5 on your exam. We only have the best tutors due to our strict tutor-hiring process.
About the AP Physics C exam
What is AP Physics C?
AP Central, the College Board, conducts AP or Advanced Placement exams. It conducts various exams, and AP Physics C is one of them. There are two courses in AP Physics C, and both are calculus-based:
- AP Physics C- Mechanics
- AP Physics C- Electricity and Magnetism
- Both courses are individually one semester long.
- Each course has a Physics Lab component as well. You should devote 25% of your time to the labs, and colleges may ask you to show your lab portfolio.
- AP Physics C requires calculus. You should have either already taken calculus or taken it concurrently.
AP Physics C topics:
AP Physics C- Mechanics units:
1: Kinematics
2: Newton’s Laws of Motion
3: Work, Energy, and Power
4: Systems of Particles and Linear Momentum
5: Rotation
6: Oscillations
7: Gravitation
AP Physics C- Electricity and Magnetism units:
1: Electrostatics
2: Conductors, Capacitors, Dielectrics
3: Electric Circuits
4: Magnetic Fields
5: Electromagnetism
Exam structure:
AP Physics C-Mechanics courses have two sections with a time limit of 45 minutes for each. The first consists of 35 multiple-choice questions, and the second consists of 3 free-response questions. Each section carries a weightage of 50%.
Why Should I take AP classes?
- Get college credit
- Helps in college admission
- Save time and tuition fees while in college.
- Get a head start on a college education.
- Even if you do poorly in the AP exam, you still learn a lot of things, and in the future, it will help you understand the same college course faster.
How do I study for AP Physics C?
Studying for any physics course is similar. Check our blog on “how to learn physics: faster and easier” for more info.
Is it hard to get a 5 on AP Physics C?
In the AP Physics C mechanics course, almost one-third of students got a perfect 5/5 score, and slightly less than one-third got 4/5. It shows that students do well in this course, and you should not be afraid to take it.
Is AP Physics C: Mechanics easy?
No, It is not easy, but if you give sufficient time and effort, you can be among the majority (close to 58%) of students who score at least 4/5 on this exam.
AP Physics tutorials:
You can search on Khan academy for free AP Physics C tutorials. There are several channels on YouTube where you can learn the topics from experienced tutors. Check this video on YouTube for AP Physics C Mechanics.
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