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PreCalculus Tutor

(Basic Algebra and Trigonometry course to help you succeed in Calculus)

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Our Top Tutors!

Shubhendu M

Student’s Rating 4.96/5

Shubhendu M Tutor photo
Knowledge 99%
Speed 96%
Accuracy 94%
  • Calculus 1,2,3 (With PreCalculus)

  • Differential Equations

  • Engineering Math

  • Linear Algebra

Vikram S

Student’s Rating 4.93/5

Knowledge 97%
Speed 91%
Accuracy 94%
  • Calculus 1,2,3 (With Precalculus)

  • Statistics & Probability

  • Linear Algebra

  • Engineering Math

Manish A

Student’s Rating 4.92/5

Manish A tutor Photo
Knowledge 97%
Speed 91%
Accuracy 94%
  • Calculus 1 with Precalculus

  • Statistics & Probability

  • Computer Science

  • Engineering Physics 1,2

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Start getting top grades in your Exams and Homework with an amazing tutor.
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Satisfied Students


Fixed my Precalculus concepts

I struggled with the calculus 1 course, so I revised the precalculus concepts again. Tutor Vikram is an advanced calculus tutor, but he taught me precalculus, so I am confident tackling calculus 1. Thanks, man!

Dana Kazan
University of Colorado

The best Precalculus tutor so far

I had a hard time finding the right precalculus tutor online. Even after paying $40-$50 per hour, I could not find a single tutor who could easily explain the concepts. Finally, I found Manish from MEB, and I got an A grade. I am so happy 💕

Columbia University NY

Precalculus Homework help

The HW given by my teacher was really tough. We were all struggling. I found MEB through a Google search, and I feel fortunate about it. The tutors from MEB helped me solve all my Precalculus problems quickly. Thanks a bunch!

A Almutairi
Dayton University

PreCalculus topics

We offer following PreCalculus tutoring services:

Get the best PreCalculus tutor online, so that you can learn the concepts needed to master more advanced calculus 1,2,3,4, Differential equations etc courses in future.

Precalculus topics:

  • Functions
  • Polynomial and Rational Functions
  • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • The Unit Circle
  • Trigonometry of Right Triangles
  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Right Triangles
  • Analytical Trigonometry
  • Polar Coordinates
  • Parametric Equations
  • Vectors in Two and Three Dimensions
  • Systems of Equations and Inequalities
  • Sequences and Series
  • Conic Sections
  • Limits etc

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How it Works?

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PreCalculus Online Tutoring

Does My Engineering Buddy online precalculus tutoring make precalculus easy?

If you find precalculus hard, our team of expert online tutors is here to help make learning precalculus easy for you. My Engineering Buddy offers affordable 1:1 private precalculus tutoring sessions to students from all over the world. We have made it simple to get help with virtual precalculus lessons 24 X 7 for all levels. You can contact our student helpline on WhatsApp to book a session at a time that suits you. Many students realize they can study and learn better from a private tutor than in a crowded classroom. If you also feel the same way, we would love to help boost your learning through interactive one-on-one precalculus tutoring sessions.

If you like learning from the best teachers in a way wholly customized for you, our online precalculus tutoring service offers precisely that. Our precalculus tutors have vast experience helping you practice problems, prepare and learn formulas, efficient shortcuts, and other time-saving tricks and tips. They can also help you specifically with problem-solving techniques, homework and assignments, and exam preparation so that you get top grades.

We ensure that you step into the complex yet extremely useful world of calculus, mathematics, and related disciplines like physics confidently. It will only happen when you build a strong foundation of precalculus, and we are here to help you master it.

What is precalculus?

Precalculus is the mathematics required to learn calculus. It is a subject for students planning to study calculus courses in the future. A course covering advanced mathematical concepts, theories, and functions beyond the scope of regular geometry, algebra, and other math curriculum subjects, it is the stepping stone for calculus and many related fields like physics. Pre-calculus usually focuses on the properties of exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. It covers derivatives, limits, sequences, and other foundational concepts pre-requisites to studying calculus. To know more about PreCalculus check this WikiPedia page.

Why is precalculus so important?

Although precalculus seems an advanced math course usually taught in secondary schools or colleges, it prepares students for calculus. It is crucial as calculus is a challenging subject but has the most comprehensive application possible. Precalculus is not a compulsory maths course, but it is essential for those planning to study calculus or any other subject that uses calculus. Students opt for precalculus to prepare for the challenges and rewards presented by calculus and its auxiliary disciplines.

Precalculus bridges the gap between other foundational courses like algebra 1 and 2, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. The precalculus students use functions, limits, and equations to understand generalizations and their usefulness in analyzing advanced mathematical relationships.

Best books for reference:

  • Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus by James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, and Saleem Watson. Publisher: Cengage Learning
  • Precalculus by Robert F. Blitzer. Publisher: Pearson
  • Pre-Calculus For Dummies: 1,001 Practice Problems by Mary Jane Sterling. Publisher: Wiley
  • Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies by Mary Jane Sterling. Publisher: Wiley
  • Pre-Calculus For Dummies by Mary Jane Sterling. Publisher: Wiley
  • Pre-calculus Demystified by Rhonda Huettenmueller. Publisher: McGraw-Hill
  • McGraw-Hill’s 500 College Precalculus Questions: Ace Your College Exams (McGraw-Hill’s 500 Questions) by Sandra McCune, William Clark. Publisher: McGraw-Hill
  • Practice Makes Perfect Precalculus (Practice Makes Perfect Series) 1st Edition by William Clark, Sandra Luna McCune. Publisher: McGraw-Hill