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Psychology Tutor
(Online Tutoring, Homework Help & Test Prep in Psychology for University, College and High School Students)
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Top Psychology Tutors!
Don’t compromise with your Grades! Start getting in your Exams and Homework with an amazing Psychology Tutor.
Divya R
Student’s Rating 4.97/5

Psychology Tutor online or near you for University, College & High school. Homework help and Online tutoring by top tutor.
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

Get homework help and private tutoring online or near you in Psychology. For college and school students
Shubhendu M
Student’s Rating 4.96/5

Psychology Online Tutoring ,Homework Help and Test Prep by experienced and well qualified tutor. Instant help. Top grades.
Excellent psychology lessons at MEB
After some bit of searching for a psychology tutor near me, I learned about MEB from one of my friends. My psychology tutor was excellent. She helped me throughout the psychology course, and I did very well in the subject mainly because of her.

Nicole Abraham
Stony Brook University, NY, USA
My Engineering Buddy has a great team of tutors
Some of my close friends and I can attest to the quality of psychology tutorials by My Engineering Buddy. I have reasons to believe that they are top-notch in other subjects too, given their approach to quality.

Sarah Adams
London Metropolitan University, Great Britain
Helped me prepare for my CLEP Introductory Psychology exam
I took quite a few sessions of tutoring help from the psychology experts at MEB when I was preparing for my CLEP Introductory exam. It paid off and I got a great score on the exam. Highly recommended service.

Edmond Jackson
Tampa, Florida
Psychology Tutoring Service
How Can MEB help with Psychology?
Are you looking for a tutor in psychology? At My Engineering Buddy, we have a great team of psychology tutors online who can help you with all your academic tuition requirements, and can also help with Psychology homework.
We started as a hub of online tutoring for engineering subjects. However, we are now successfully offering quality, affordable tutorials for many non-engineering subjects. It includes subjects like economics and languages like Spanish and French.
We also provide services like homework assistance and essay writing help. In addition, we also offer tutoring sessions for all AP tests, including AP Psychology, and standardized tests like GRE and SAT.
What is psychology?
Psychology is the academic and professional discipline that scientifically studies mind and behavior. It includes both conscious and unconscious phenomena. Abstract entities like feelings and thoughts also fall under the purview of psychology. Acting as a connection between the social and natural sciences, it is a subject that has tremendous scope and promise.
A psychologist is a professional psychology researcher or practitioner. Like cognitive and behavioral scientists, some psychologists specialize in understanding how mental function influences individual and social behavior. Others attempt to relate behaviors and cognitive functions with neurobiological and physiological processes.
Psychology studies the developing properties of brains, thus, closely connecting the discipline to neuroscience. Social scientists attempt to understand individual and group behavior as psychologists.
How to become a psychologist?
To become a psychologist, you require at least a bachelor’s degree, preferably in core psychology or an allied field like education with a concentration in psychology. As the next step, you can opt to complete a master’s degree in psychology for better qualifications and subject knowledge. It often involves studying statistics and learning how to conduct and interpret research.
Many psychologists go on and study for the doctoral level. Remember, a doctoral degree is one of the requirements for a psychologist license in many countries. Many professional psychologists also hold specialized education in one or more branches of psychology mentioned below.
Branches of psychology
There are two types of branches in the field of psychology
Basic or pure branches
- General psychology
- Social psychology
- Abnormal psychology
- Child psychology
- Physiological psychology
- Para psychology
- Animal psychology
- Cognitive psychology
- Developmental psychology
Applied branches
- Clinical psychology
- Educational psychology
- Industrial psychology
- Military psychology
- Criminal psychology
- Psychology in law
- Mental health
- Sports psychology
- Forensic psychology
Important psychology exams
These are a few exams to help the students in their undergraduate admissions and programs.
AP Psychology
The AP Psychology (also called Advanced Placement Psychology or AP Psych) exam is part of the College Board’s Advanced Placement Program. This course helps students interested in studying psychology in their undergraduate program. It presents them with an opportunity to get exemption from a college-level psychology course using the Advanced Placement credit.
You can get more information about the AP psychology course and exam on the College Board website.
The College-Level Examination P has two psychology exams. The Introduction to Educational Psychology exam covers cognition, learning assessment, child development, and teaching methods. The Introductory Psychology exam tests the basic concepts, facts, and generally accepted principles of psychology.
At MEB, we assist students in preparing for the AP Psychology and the CLEP exams with our online tutoring service.
Psychology textbooks
- Psychology by Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert, Matthew K. Nock, Daniel M. Wegner. Publisher - Worth Publishers
- Psychology in Everyday Life by David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall. Publisher - Worth Publishers
- Handbook of University and Professional Careers in School Psychology (Consultation, Supervision, and Professional Learning in School Psychology Series) by Randy G. Floyd, Tanya L. Eckert. Publisher - Routledge
- Psychology in Action by Karen Huffman, Katherine Dowdell, Catherine A. Sanderson. Publisher - Wiley
- Psychology – An Exploration by Saundra Ciccarelli, J. White. Publisher - Pearson
- 5 Steps to a 5 – AP Psychology by Laura Lincoln Maitland, Laura Sheckell. Publisher - McGraw Hill
- Psychology by David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall. Publisher - Worth Publishers
- Social Psychology by Tom Gilovich, Dacher Keltner, Serena Chen, Richard E. Nisbett. Publisher - W. W. Norton & Company
- Forensic and Legal Psychology – Psychological Science Applied to Law by Mark Costanzo, Daniel Krauss. Publisher - Worth Publishers
- Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice, and Diversity by Andrew M. Pomerantz. Publisher – SAGE Publications