My Engineering Buddy is committed to providing top tutors who guarantee top grades in your homework assignments, lab reports, essay writing, and more. We also ensure a delightful experience in online tutoring sessions. A refund policy is an essential feature of online homework help and tutoring service; this page will provide you with more details about the same.
We have many checks and balances to honor our promise and deliver excellent tutoring services.
In the last 15 years, we have received a request for a refund in only 0.87% of the cases. Such is the quality of our services: less than 1 out of 100 students ever demand a refund!
We value our customers, so we have a clear-cut refund policy.
After making the payment for online tutoring and homework help, if you want to cancel for some reason, we allow you to do so.
To cancel, please get in touch with us on WhatsApp and depending upon the proximity of the deadline or appointment time, we will keep part of the fee and refund the rest.
For tutoring sessions, you can cancel 24 hours before without any charges. If the time is less than 24 hours but greater than 2 hours, then a 10% fee will be deducted. For less than 2 hours, we will deduct 20% of the fee paid. If the session time has already approached, we will not be able to refund any fee.
For homework/assignments, we refund the fee as per the work already done by the tutor. If the tutor has, say, done 30% of the work already, we will keep the 30% fee and refund the 70% back. So we advise you to contact us as soon as possible.
Amount of Refund
We refund your fee partially or fully, depending upon the nature of the dispute. We often give “credits,” equivalent to “money” that you can use to pay for future tutoring and homework help services.
How to raise a refund request?
If you are dissatisfied with the quality of our service, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on our student helpline team on WhatsApp and tell us your concern. We will discuss the issue with our tutors and management and will contact you back with the resolution within a week. We usually resolve all disputes within 2-3 days and sometimes minutes. But we assure you that we will resolve your dispute within a week.
How much time does it takes for the money to reach your account once we issue a refund?
The refund is instantly reflected in your PayPal account if you paid via PayPal. We share a screenshot of the refund, which contains the transaction ID for the refund, so that you can follow up with PayPal for the same. The money may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to reach your credit card or bank account. It depends on your bank and credit card, and we have no control over it.
From our side, the money is deducted from our PayPal account as soon as the refund is processed. PayPal also refunds it instantly to your PayPal account, but the banks and credit card companies take a considerable time to process these refunds.
If you paid directly via a credit card, though, we would share a screenshot of the refund, and it may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for the refund to reflect in your account. For this reason, we suggest our clients pay via PayPal.
Where does the refund go?
The refund goes back to the “SAME” source where it came from. There are tax-related and legal difficulties in sending the refund to any “OTHER” account. So in case you cannot receive the refund in the same account for any reason, we can give you a “Credit,” which you can use to pay for future services. You can also share that credit with your friends and family, and they can use those credits to pay for our services.
Under no circumstances will we be able to refund your money to any other account.
How do we handle refund requests?
We have a grievance redressal team comprising our top management, which looks after the students’ complaints, tutor’s complaints, suggestions, disputes, refunds, credits, etc. This team acts as a gardener who cleans the garden daily, removing weeds and unwanted plants, so the garden always looks good.
So the refund request is handled by our top management to ensure that we take the best action possible.
Once you raise a refund request, we share the details with the concerned tutor and the grievance redressal team. Both check the history of the disputed session (homework help or online tutoring) and try to conclude. Occasionally, our grievance team may ask you to provide more information over chat or call.
The grievance redressal teams make the final call and decide the case in a way that keeps our students and tutors happy. Sometimes we take the loss instead of passing it on to the tutor or the student. Mostly, we decide the case in favor of the student because we consider the customer as God.
Like all the other systems, our system is not perfect, but we try our best to do justice with each refund request raised. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the refund request, you can reach our founder at
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