Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using our services. These terms and conditions apply to all users of our services and visitors to our website. In these terms, ‘we,’ ‘us,’ and ‘MyEngineeringBuddy’ refer to, and ‘you’ refers to users, parents, guardians or students, and any individual who is using our services or website.


Our business aims to serve as a platform where students who want to learn and get help can connect with tutors who wish to teach and help students. Our venture endeavors to bridge the demand-supply gap for quality private tutoring and other allied services for students worldwide.


Copyright Statement

* exclusively owns the contents of the website and the copyrighted materials posted on it.

* No permission is granted to anyone to use the content of this site for commercial purpose or to modify it for any other purpose. However, you may get the print of this content for non-commercial use.


Limitation on Use

By registering or using the services of, you affirm that you will use the information provided by the tutor only for the personal of personal learning, and you may not use any of the solutions, answers, materials, or information available on or through the services, to cheat. Examples include:

  1. Submitting any textbook solutions from the services as your own to any class.
  2. Using our questions and answers service to complete tests or homework when instructed not to use outside help.
  3. Submitting this information as original student work for course credit or grade.
  4. Violating any other academic mandate from your instructors, college, university, or school.


We will take swift action against anyone found violating the above terms. If MyEngineeringBuddy receives any evidence that its services have been used in a manner contrary to this or any other part of these ‘Terms of Use,’ MyEngineeringBuddy may remove at its sole discretion the materials and terminate the account of the involved users.


Warranty and Limitation of Liability

Upon receiving a query, the fees will be a mutual decision between you and the tutor. Once the payment is received, we will send you solutions before the deadline. Additional requests that require extra work by the tutor may require you to pay extra fees as decided, again, in a discussion between you and the tutor.


Some problems have multiple approaches to their solution. So, if you want the solution to the problem in a particular manner, you should inform us beforehand. If we don’t receive the information before the commencement of the session or work, we may not be in a position to provide you with the solution with the desired methodology or approach.


We will do our best to help you all of the time, but we can not guarantee the availability of specific tutors all the time. We advise you to have a prior reservation for the session well in advance to serve you most efficiently.



We reserve the right to charge membership fees or subscriptions for using our services.



If any of these terms becomes unenforceable as a whole or in part, the validity of other contract terms will remain unaffected.



By registering or subscribing to our services, the user agrees to receive the subscription email about service updates to or any other promotional offers.


Entire Agreement

‘Terms of Service’ mentioned in the latest agreement between the user and MyEngineeringBuddy will supersede and terminate all the prior agreements.



We reserve the sole right to amend terms and conditions without serving notice to you. The latest version of terms and conditions will supersede previous versions.



We reserve the sole right to terminate the whole or part of the service agreement at any time.