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Our Top MCAT Tutors!

Ankesh J

Student’s Rating 4.86/5

Ankesh J tutor Photo
Knowledge 92%
Speed 100%
Accuracy 93%
  • Tutoring in Chemistry & Biology for MCAT

Manish A

Student’s Rating 4.92/5

Manish A tutor Photo
Knowledge 97%
Speed 91%
Accuracy 94%
  • MCAT Physics, MCAT Chemistry

Hemendra K

Student’s Rating 4.88/5

Knowledge 91%
Speed 93%
Accuracy 94%
  • MCAT Sociology & MCAT Psychology tutoring

About MCAT & its Tutoring

Do you want to become a doctor of medicine? Do you stay in USA or Canada?

If the answer to both the questions is yes, you must take the MCAT to fulfill your dream.

How MEB tutors can help you in MCAT?

We at My Engineering Buddy provide online tutoring and Test Prep for the MCAT exam. We have top subject matter expert tutors who can guide you towards a better MCAT score. You can get high-quality MCAT private tutors online, saving you thousands of dollars on private coaching (compared to “MCAT tutor near me”).

Click for MCAT Physics tutoring.

About MCAT

The Medical College Admission Test, or MCAT, is a critical deciding factor for admission to almost all medical colleges in the USA and Canada, barring a few exceptions. MCAT used to be a pencil and paper exam before, but since 2007 it has become a standardized computer-based test.

MCAT assess the following 

  • knowledge of scientific concepts & principles
  • problem-solving
  • written analysis
  • critical thinking

MCAT History

MCAT has almost a 100-year-old history. In 1920, as many as 50% of the students dropped out from medical colleges. It forced the authorities to introduce a test to measure the students’ readiness. Moss Test was introduced in 1928, and by 1946 the dropout rate reduced to just 7%. It was a huge success. A simpler test was introduced in 1946, which reduced the number of sections to just 4. In 1977, Phase four introduced several changes, and in 1991 the test changed again. It, however, remained as a multiple-choice exam as usual.

From 2007 onwards, AAMC ( Association of American Medical Colleges) made the test fully computerized. AAMC formed the MR5 committee to conduct the fifth major review of the MCAT exam, and it was introduced in 2015. The main target was to change the syllabus to achieve the goal of MCAT better. It put more emphasis on biochemistry, psychology, and sociology concepts. This current test version is expected to remain in place till 2030.

MCAT Syllabus

The graph shows the importance given to the various topics. Credit WikiMedia

The four sections that are tested in MCAT are as below:




Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems



Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills



Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems



Psychological, Social and Biological Foundations of Behavior



MCAT Facts

The exam is offered 25 times per year (approx) at Pearson VUE centers.

You can void the exam on the exam day if you are not satisfied with your performance.

You can take the MCAT 3 times a year and 7 times overall.

No significant correlation has been found between student’s MCAT test scores and their success as a doctor of medicine.

A higher MCAT score increases your chance of being accepted by a college. See graph below:

As the graph shows, a score above 514 (90 percentile) increases your acceptance rate to 70%. So you must be in the top 10% of the students to ensure that you will most likely get selected in the college of your choice.

The score in each section varies from 118 to 132. The median score is 125 in each section and 500 overall.

How to prepare for MCAT?

You must study the course material and learn it from the textbooks first. Although you should be wary of the MCAT exam and its style of questions, Your initial focus should be on thoroughly learning the material. When you are confident about the material, check if there is anything extra in the MCAT that you have not studied yet. It would be best if you practiced a lot of problems to become as proficient as possible.

AAMC releases a lot of practice problems (question packs), 4 scored practice exams and 1 non-scored practice exam. You can buy them on the AAMC website. Close to three-fourths of the MCAT aspirants use these practice exams, and around 40% use the question packs. You can get free online MCAT preparatory materials on Khan academy provided directly by AAMC.

Many commercial companies also provide:

  • Online and offline preparatory classes.
  • Specialized books (77% of students use these books).
  • Practice exams (67% of students use these practice exams).

So we can say that most medical aspirants use these services to better their chances in MCAT.

At My Engineering Buddy or MEB, we provide online tutoring and test prep for MCAT, and many of our competitors do the same.


Is it worth getting a tutor for MCAT?

For most students, it is better to get private tutoring for MCAT. It provides you peace of mind as you know that your time is utilized most efficiently. Also, it gives you the option to ask questions frequently, and hence doubts never pile up in your mind.

How much does MCAT tutoring cost?

MCAT expert tutors can cost anywhere from $20 to $200 and beyond. If you hire an online tutor for MCAT, that can save you a lot of money without compromising the tutoring quality. In contrast, “MCAT tutor near me” option can cost you a massive amount of tutoring fees.

How do I find MCAT tutors?

Searching online for “MCAT tutor near me” or “MCAT tutor” and trying a few of them usually will get you a good tutor who can guide you in MCAT. Asking friends for recommendations may also help, especially if they have taken the MCAT before.

How it Works?

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How it Works?

① Book an awesome tutor    ② Pay the fee via PayPal    ③ Start getting top scores


From 491 to 513 in MCAT

I started preparing for the MCAT on my own, but I quickly realized that I wouldn’t be able to crack this exam without private tutoring by experts. I hired an MCAT Physics tutor from MEB and a Biology tutor and got a score of 513. Great job!

University of Colorado

Scored 507 in first attempt

After school, I gave some practice MCAT tests, and I performed so poorly that I got depressed. I started preparing on my own, and for doubts, I connected with MCAT experts of MEB, knowing very well that this test wouldn’t be easy. Scored a decent 507.

Nabil Al Awadi
North Carolina State University

Got into my dream college with 522 score

Even after getting a 513 in the MCAT, I could not get admission to my dream college. I prepared again, and this time I worked on my weaker areas with the tutors of MEB. Got 522, and I am so happy. 😁. Will recommend MEB to my friends.

Cornell University

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