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Student’s Rating 4.97/5

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Student’s Rating 4.93/5

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Khalid Al Zaheri
San Jose
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Peter Orwell
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Economics Tutor
Learning economics doesn’t have to be tough. At My Engineering Buddy, we offer interactive 1:1 private economics online tutoring and homework help sessions that make for efficient economics learning for high-school students, undergraduates, and advanced economics students.
Our expert economics tutors teach the subject engagingly over an interactive online whiteboard. You can interact and share files with our economics tutor online for focused learning. The fees are affordable, and the tutoring prices get even better if you book multiple sessions together. You can use the economics tutoring service for all your requirements related to studying economics.
We have specialized Test Preparation tutors for AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics.
You can book sessions with a tutor for economics by contacting our student helpline via WhatsApp. As economics is a part of the curriculum at various academic levels, we have a team of tutors to cater to the students of all grades and educational systems. Our student helpline representatives will pair you with the economics private tutor best suited to your requirements.
You can also get economics homework help and economics project assistance from our online economics tutors. Suppose you want tutorials for related subjects like math or statistics and probability. In that case, you can visit our online math tutoring and online statistics and probability tutoring pages, respectively, for more details.
What is economics?
Economics is a branch of social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It deals with how individuals, governments, businesses, and nations make their choices about resource allocation. Economics analyzes human actions, assuming that humans act rationally and seek maximum benefit or utility from a situation.
It also studies labor and trade, some of the major building blocks of economics. Finally, economics determines which methods, among the possible applications of human labor and different ways of resource acquisition, yield the best results. Productivity and efficiency are some of the most critical parameters for economists. According to economic theory, a higher standard of living is possible with more efficient use of resources and increased productivity.
Branches of economics
Microeconomics and macroeconomics are the two main divisions of economics.
Microeconomics deals with the economic decision-making processes of individual consumers, households, firms, government agencies, or a business/organization. The microeconomics professionals explain their response to price fluctuations and the demand-supply equation at a particular price point by analyzing specific aspects of human behavior.
Microeconomics is the theory that explains why we value different goods differently, how individuals best coordinate, cooperate and trade among each other, and the rational basis of their financial decisions.
Macroeconomics deals with the bigger economic picture on both a national and global level. It models and helps regulate the economy using highly aggregated economic indicators and data. It mainly analyzes and forecasts high-level economic growth, development, and subsequent recurring economic cycles.
Macroeconomists monitor and influence government fiscal and monetary policy, foreign trade, the level of inflation and interest rates, unemployment rates, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and business cycles leading to expansions, recessions, booms, and depressions
There are many other specializations in modern economics, such as managerial economics, behavioral economics, development economics, econometrics, environmental economics, health economics, international economics, and public economics.
Economics topics
These are some of the main economics topics:
- Scarcity and cost-benefit analysis
- Real, relative, and nominal prices
- Opportunity cost
- Exchange and Trade
- Market Failures, Public Goods, and Externalities
- Division of Labor and Specialization
- Economic Growth and Inflation
- GDP and Human Capital
- Markets and Prices, Supply and Demand
- Elasticity of Demand
- Healthcare and Social Security
- Costs of Production including Labor Costs
- Income Distribution and Income Inequality
- Monetary Policy and the Central Bank
- Banks and Financial Institutions
- Business Cycles
- Fiscal Policy
- Government Debt and Government Budget Deficits
- Exchange Rates and Foreign Currency Markets
- Balance of Payments and Balance of Trade
Economics textbooks
- Economics by David Colander. Publisher – McGraw-Hill Education
- Economics – Principles, Problems, & Policies (McGraw-Hill Series in Economics) by Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, Dr. Sean Masaki Flynn. Publisher – McGraw-Hill Education
- Principles of Economics (MindTap Course List) by N. Gregory Mankiw. Publisher – Cengage Learning
- Economics (Pearson Baccalaureate) by Sean Maley, Jason Welker. Publisher – Pearson Education ESL
- Economics by Paul Samuelson, William Nordhaus. Publisher – McGraw Hill
- International Economics – Theory and Policy by Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz. Publisher – Pearson
- Economics by Roger A. Arnold. Publisher – Cengage Learning
- Essentials of Economics by Dirk Mateer, Lee Coppock, Brian O’Roark. Publisher – W. W. Norton & Company

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