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Spanish Tutor

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Top Spanish Tutors

Don’t compromise your Spanish learning! Learn it fast with an excellent Tutor.

Divya R

Student’s Rating 4.97/5

Divya R Tutor Photo
Knowledge 94%
Speed 100%
Accuracy 99%
  • Spanish Tutoring online or near you for school and college students or Spanish lovers.

Neeraj K

Student’s Rating 4.93/5

Neeraj K Tutor Photo
Knowledge 97%
Speed 95%
Accuracy 97%
  • Get private tutoring online or near you in Spanish. For students and Spanish language learners.

Shubhendu M

Student’s Rating 4.96/5

Knowledge 99%
Speed 96%
Accuracy 94%
  • Spanish Online Tutoring and Homework Help by an experienced and well-qualified tutor. Spoken and written.


Excellent Spanish tutors

MEB has quality Spanish tutors. I came across their website via a Google search and took a trial session. I was delighted with it and decided to stick to the same tutor till I completed my DELE certification. I completed all the stages with flying colors, and I highly recommend MEB.

Arindam Banerjee

Memphis, USA

Learned Spanish basics at a fast clip

I needed to learn the basics of Spanish as most of my clients are from Latin America. I have always liked learning from private tutors because of the focused sessions. The Spanish tutor from MEB gave me a crash course in elementary Spanish. That’s exactly what I needed for basic conversations.

Edward Harris

Florida, USA

I learned Spanish and enjoyed the process

Dreading that learning a foreign language would be a chore, I had always shied away from even attempting to learn Spanish. The superb tutor at My Engineering Buddy changed all that. He made it so enjoyable that I always looked forward to the next session. I can understand, speak, and read Spanish very well now.

Betty Lewis

Montreal, Canada

Spanish tutoring at MEB

Want to learn Spanish and become an expert in the language? Have Spanish clients, vendors, business partners, associates, or friends and want to converse with them in their language? Or do you want to learn Spanish as a foreign language? Or, perhaps, just for fun?

Our team of online Spanish tutors can help with all of that. They have helped students, professionals, and casual Spanish learners reach their goals. With our online tutoring sessions, you can master the language in a focused manner at a pace that suits you.

You can book a free trial session with a Spanish tutor by contacting us on WhatsApp. Our student helpline team can also help you choose a tutor suited to your online tutoring requirements.

AP Spanish Language and Culture exam prep

We also help high school students prepare for the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam. There are specialized AP tutors at MEB who teach these sessions.

Spanish language

Spanish is the world’s most spoken Romance language, with about 500 million native speakers. A global language today, it belongs to the Indo-European language family originating in the Iberian Peninsula of Europe from colloquially spoken Latin. Its users are spread mainly in the north and south Americas and Spain.

Twenty countries use it as their official language. Spanish comes second after Mandarin Chinese in the most spoken native languages list. It is the fourth-most spoken language worldwide after English, Mandarin Chinese, and Hindi.

CEFR International Language Standards

CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is a widely accepted set of standards for assessing an individual’s language ability in Europe and, in many cases, beyond it. Spanish learners also fall under these standards.

The three primary CEFR level learners are – Basic, Independent, and Proficient. These three levels have two sub-levels each. This structure results in six levels of certification in Spanish language proficiency – A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2.

Language proficiency has three further skills-based divisions – understanding (reading and listening), speaking (spoken interaction and spoken production), and writing. A learner can be at different levels in acquiring different skills.

The Linguistics Horizons self-assessment grid is a helpful tool for gauging one’s current level of language skills.

Spanish learners can take the following exams to test their skills and obtain proof of their expertise.

  • Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE)
  • The European Language Certificates (TELC)
  • Certificate of Use of Language in Spanish (CELU)
  • Standards-Based Assessment and Measurement of Proficiency (STAMP)

Our tutors have vast experience in helping Spanish learners prepare for each level. You can reach out to us for assistance in these skills or levels. We can also help you with preparation for the entire certification route.

Is learning Spanish worth it?

Knowing a foreign language, especially one as widely used as Spanish significantly benefits individuals.

  • Fluency in Spanish can be a major highlight of one’s resume. It helps professionals and businesspeople conduct trade and business with Spanish-speaking people and firms.
  • It expands and improves an individual’s employment opportunities.
  • It opens a person’s world to Spanish history, art, and literature.
  • It is an excellent mental exercise to learn a foreign language.

Spanish learning resources and textbooks

We have compiled a list of valuable Spanish reference books:

  • Practice Makes Perfect – Complete Spanish All-in-One by Gilda Nissenberg. Publisher – McGraw Hill
  • Madrigal’sMadrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish – A Creative and Proven Approach by Margarita Madrigal. Publisher ‏- Crown
  • Practice Makes Perfect – Basic Spanish by Dorothy Richmond. Publisher – McGraw Hill
  • Princeton Review AP Spanish Language & Culture Prep – Practice Tests + Content Review + Strategies & Techniques (College Test Preparation) Bilingual Edition
  • Complete Spanish Step-by-Step by Barbara Bregstein. Publisher – McGraw Hill
  • AP Spanish Language and Culture Premium – Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice (Barron’sBarron’s Test Prep) by Daniel Paolicchi, Alice G. Springer

SpanishDict – It is an entirely free resource available as an app and a website. You can look up words and translations, learn Spanish grammar, and get help with conjugations. It is full of example phrases and sentences for word usage.

Coffee Break Spanish – The website has free audio tutorials and paid courses. It’sIt’s one of the best free resources for learning Spanish. The paid lessons have some extra materials, and the lessons contain lots of examples.