Need help with AI? If yes, get Online Tutoring & Homework help from our
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tutors
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Best AI Tutors
AI is a tricky subject and can be difficult even for the best. Make your life easy with an expert!
Pankaj K
Student’s Rating 4.97/5

I have more than 8 years of experience teaching AI and related subjects. I provide online tutoring as well as homework/project help. Contact me for assistance.
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

I am highly experienced in AI. Learn simple to complex coding, algorithm and statistics concepts with applications in an online tutoring session. I can also help with assignments, projects, and lab.
Manish A
Student’s Rating 4.92/5

With my easy-to-understand and engaging tutoring style, I will break your myth that AI is tricky. I can also help with homework, projects, troubleshoot your apps, etc. WhatsApp for instant help.
AI: Student’s Reviews
Got a kickstart with AI in 3 sessions
I am a self-taught computer programmer, and I wanted to learn the basics of AI from an expert. The tutors near me were pretty costly, so I searched online and found this fantastic site. The tutors here are great. Thanks.

Leon Chen
Mount Allison University, Canada
Artificial intelligence assessments help
I had an assessment in AI due in 2 hours, and the questions asked were advanced. I could not find anything in the lecture notes. MEB rescued me and got me 92% marks! I could not have asked for more.

Caroline Ramirez
Philadelphia, USA
Debugged my AI program code in a quick time
I am a computer science and engineering student, and artificial intelligence was killing me. I am good at coding, but there was a bug I could not resolve. An expert from this site helped me fix it in just 37 minutes. Now it is all good.

Muzakir Razak
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Best in AI Tutoring & Homework Help
Artificial intelligence is the future of humankind. If you are doing a course in it, you will likely benefit from it in the future. MEB has an elite pool of computer programming tutors who are experts in Artificial Intelligence basics and applications. If you are looking for help, you are at the right place! Whether you searched for ‘AI tutors near me’ or ‘online AI tutors’, we can help.
How can MEB help you with Artificial Intelligence or AI?
Our Data Science tutors are experts in AI and can help you with:
Artificial Intelligence tutoring online (private 1-on-1 sessions)
Homework/assignment/project/lab help
Debugging your codes
Whom do we help with AI (Artificial Intelligence)?
We help college and engineering students primarily studying in the USA with AI. We also help Gulf and European students with their tutoring and assignment needs. Since we provide educational services online, hence we help students across the globe.
We also help businesses with their programming/coding/debugging needs in AI and related stuff.
Can we do your AI homework?
Yes, if you are a student struggling with AI homework, we can help. It is perfectly fine to hire someone to do your homework if the academic pressure is becoming unmanageable. Maybe you have fallen sick recently and lag in class, or you may lack time due to too much workload. Your grades might be low, and the professor/teacher does not explain the subject clearly. Whatever your reason is, we are here to help you. WhatsApp us to get instant help.
Can you debug our codes related to AI?
Yes, we help businesses and individuals with their Artificial Intelligence-related programs and applications. We have a team of excellent programmers who are experts in AI; we can help you build applications from scratch or improve an existing one. Whatsapp us, and we will connect you with one of our experts.
How do I get started with Artificial Intelligence online tutoring or homework help?
Whatsapp us your requirements, and one of our AI expert tutors will check it and let you know the fee. In the case of tutoring, we have standard fees that you can check on our pricing page. If you agree to our offer, you can make the payment, and we will provide you with the service as requested and within the deadline. Whether you want online tutoring or help with your homework, the process is the same. WhatsApp now to get started.
Why chose MEB?
Experience of 15+ years
- 79000+ tutoring sessions delivered
- 24×7 student helpline
- 6000+ 5-star reviews (average 4.93 rating)
- 85000+ Assignments solved
Why chose us for Artificial Intelligence tutoring?
The following features make MEB an excellent choice for online Artificial Intelligence tutoring services
- Highly effective tutoring methodology
- Tutors with Neutral accent
- Affordable and cost-effective
- Tutors with Excellent knowledge in AI
- Online collaborative whiteboard for better learning
- Customized tutoring sessions
Why chose us for Artificial Intelligence Homework help
- Live sessions to ace your exams and assignments, anytime, anywhere
- Affordable and cost-effective
- 100% confidentiality and privacy
- Plagiarism-free Accurate solutions
- Don’t compromise with your grades
- Never miss a deadline again
- Step-by-step High-speed problem solving
How much does online Artificial Intelligence tutoring cost?
AI tutoring online costs anywhere from $25/hr to $40/hr. The cost mostly depends on the quality of the expert tutor, the number of sessions, the complexity, and depth of explanations required, etc.
How much does Artificial Intelligence homework help cost?
Factors like the deadline, effort required, quality of the tutor/expert assigned, etc., determine homework cost. Check our pricing page for more info.
About Artificial Intelligence
What is Artificial Intelligence or AI?
Not long ago, a task such as decision making, visual perception, understanding language, speech recognition, etc., required human intelligence, which no machine could do. In AI or artificial intelligence, we learn the theory and development of computer systems that can perform this task. The AI that we (humans) are working on is expected to adapt, reason, and provide solutions to problems it has not yet been trained for.
Broadly there are two types of AI, strong and weak. As per the general perception, a weak AI or a narrow AI is capable of performing tasks specific or narrow in area. A weak AI system does not have a mind of its own and is used only as a tool. Siri, Alexa, Tesla self-driving cars, natural language processing or NLP etc., are examples of weak AI.
Strong AI, on the other hand, is not just a tool. It is a mind on its own and does not seek approval from another system or mind to take its decision. It has cognitive skills like humans and has the “consciousness “or “intentionality” that exists in humans.
As per this Forbes article, we may not create intentionality just by writing computer codes. As long as there are codes and no consciousness or intention making the decisions, we can never realize true AI or strong AI. For Strong AI, do we need to go beyond computers and programming? We dont know that yet, but logically writing a program for intention and consciousness is not possible, as per Searle in his 1980 article. As per Searle, Strong AI has its consciousness or intention, whereas weak AI does not have it. The general perception that Strong AI is broad AI and weak AI is narrow AI is far from the truth.
What do we study in Artificial Intelligence?
A list of broad topics that we study in a standard course in Artificial Intelligence includes:
Intelligent Agents, Solving Problems by Searching, Search in Complex Environments, Adversarial Search and Games, Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Logical Agents, First-Order Logic, Inference in First-Order Logic, Knowledge Representation, Automated Planning, Quantifying Uncertainty, Probabilistic Reasoning, Probabilistic Reasoning over Time, Probabilistic Programming, Making Simple Decisions, Making Complex Decisions, Multiagent Decision Making, Learning from Examples, Learning Probabilistic Models, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, Robotics, Philosophy and Ethics of Al, The Future of Al,
(topics credit: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach )
Career opportunities in Artificial Intelligence
Learning AI opens a whole bunch of opportunities. Business Intelligence Developer, Machine Learning Engineer, AI Data Analyst, AI Engineer, Robotics Scientist, Product Manager, Research Scientist, Data Scientist, Big Data Engineer, etc., are some of the jobs you can get after becoming an expert in AI. (Source: Upgrad)
Do I need a tutor in Artificial Intelligence?
Yes, you may need a tutor in Artificial Intelligence as it is one of the most challenging fields of computer programming. Research is still going on, and in its fully functional form, AI is expected to disrupt the economies, and most people may get unemployed. Due to constant rapid development and still in its immature form, learning it on your own is hard. A tutor can make your life much easier. If you need an expert tutor in AI, feel free to WhatsApp us anytime.
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