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Surveying Tutors
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Best Surveying Tutors!
Don’t compromise your Grades! Start getting top grades in your Exams and Homework with an amazing tutor.
Pankaj K
Student’s Rating 4.97/5

I am an expert in Surveying subjects. Learn complex concepts in a 1:1 online tutoring session, or ask me to do your homework. I will ensure top grades in your exams and homework.
“15 years of experience. Top Tutor, B.Tech in Civil Engineering, MERI Kolkata”
Neeraj K
Student’s Rating 4.93/5

I have vast experience in the core subjects of Surveying. Get online tutoring as well as homework help. I am a perfectionist, and it will also show up in your grades!
“23 years of experience. B tech Civil Engineering. BITS Pilani, 1992 Pass-out”
Jitendra S
Student’s Rating 4.92/5

I can explain complex concepts in easy to understand manner and solve problems fast. Top grades are assured in your Surveying exams and homework.
“6 years of experience. M.Tech Degree in Civil Engineering from IIT Chennai, #1 college of India.”
Student’s Reviews : Surveying
Best tutors for Surveying
I found My Engineering Buddy’s online tutoring service through Google search. They specialize in Surveying subjects, and it helped me a lot doing my university program. They have the best online tutors who know their subject matter very well.

University of Colorado
Affordable Surveying online tutoring
I highly recommend My Engineering Buddy’s online tutoring for any Surveying student like me who feels lost in a large classroom environment. I have taken countless hours of online tutoring, which is both affordable and effective. It helped me so much.

Ahmad Almutairi
Kuwait university
Learned problem-solving techniques
My tutor at MEB was great at teaching fundamental as well as advanced concepts. He was even better at showing me problem-solving techniques and shortcuts. I became a master in many Surveying subjects and aced all my exams.

Do you need help with your Surveying course?
If yes, you are at the right place!
My Engineering Buddy provides online tutoring and assignment help with Surveying (Civil engineering) and 100+ additional subjects. Our civil engineering tutors, experts in Surveying, can provide private tutoring sessions in a 1 on 1 setup, online. Additionally, they can help you with your assignments/homework, project, labs, essays, etc.
Online tutoring for Surveying
Learning a subject from an expert in a private 1:1 setup is the fastest and surest way to study. We use Google-Meet, Zoom, and 2-way collaborative online whiteboards to deliver online tutoring sessions. You can use our online tutoring service to learn better, clear your doubts, or solve your homework questions. Do you want to experience what excellent tutoring can do to your education? If yes, WhatsApp us, and we will set up a demo session, and you will be so glad to take this decision.
Homework help with Surveying
You can use our homework service if online tutoring is a hassle for you due to your tight academic schedule. Getting help from us is not rocket science.
Please send your questions to our WhatsApp, pay the fee via PayPal or Credit card, and get step-by-step solutions before the deadline. With our expert tutors, you can get full marks on your homework, projects, and assignments. If something is unclear that requires further explanation, let us know, and we will explain it at no extra cost.
We have been one of the top websites for online education for more than 15 years. Having solved many assignments in 100+ subjects and delivered a considerable number of tutoring sessions, we know our stuff. Hence, when you deal with us, relax because we will get you top grades.
Our core strength lies in our fantastic tutors, experts in their subjects. We have a well-designed selection process and an ongoing feedback system, ensuring that only the best tutors work with us.
To know the price for your homework, project, lab, essay, assignment, etc., share it on WhatsApp. One of our experts (tutors) will estimate the cost and get back to you. We are available 24×7.
Online tutoring costs depend on the tutor, your grade, the number of sessions, etc., and can vary from $15 to $40 per hour.
For homework help, however, we can not tell you a fee here because it depends not only on the number of questions but also on the effort required by the tutor and the proximity of the deadline.
For a quick fee quotation, WhatsApp us.
About Surveying
What is Surveying?
Surveying is not just a science but also an art of measuring distances and angles.
Surveying is done for two primary purposes. First, to find the relative position of existing points near or on the earth’s surface. Second, to mark the desired positions of ‘new’ points near or on the earth’s surface.
Certain precision and accuracy are essential, but we should not be wasting too much time and resources on them. Surveying is used by civil engineers, architects, urban planners, construction contractors, and even geologists.
What do we study in a typical Surveying course?
In a short course on surveying, we start with measurements and computations, where we also discuss accuracy, precision, mistakes, and errors in brief.
Mensuration, trigonometry, coordinate geometry, and analytic geometry are the basic math topics we revise before studying the advanced concepts of surveying.
We need to measure horizontal and vertical distances and angles, and directions.
We use taping, electronic distance measurement, and GNSS tools to measure horizontal distances. We also study their errors and corrections.
For measuring vertical distances, we use the leveling principles and procedures. We use leveling equipment and methods like vertical control surveys (benchmarking), profile leveling, and trigonometric leveling.
We also learn about the horizontal and vertical angle measurement methods and tools (magnetic declination, the theodolite).
We then learn about the surveying applications like horizontal control surveys, property surveys, topographic surveys and maps, highway curves and earthwork, and construction surveys.
Important terms
GIS: Geographic Information Systems
GNSS: Global Navigational Satellite Systems
Do I need a tutor for Surveying?
Surveying is an easy civil engineering subject that involves little math. Hence, you can learn it yourself. However, certain topics may be confusing, and if you cannot understand them, hiring one of our experts for help can be a great choice. Our online Surveying tutoring is always a better choice than the private tutors near you because of the lower cost yet better quality. We are available 24×7 to help you. Contact us today for surveying tutoring and homework help.