Read My Engineering Buddy’s

Honor Code and Academic Integrity

Know the dos and don’ts of taking homework/assignment help

Ace your Exams & Homework 

Top Tutors • Top Grades • 24X7 • Affordable  • Online Tutoring Service

Disclaimer: My Engineering Buddy is an online tutoring and homework help service, and all our services are intended to improve students’ academic life across the globe. We do not promote academic dishonesty and take every possible measure to reduce its occurrence.

In an online world, there is no way My Engineering Buddy can know the purpose for which you are using our tutoring services. We understand that there is every possibility that one can misuse the step-by-step solutions that we have provided. As a policy, we do not discriminate against students based on their intention, as it is virtually impossible for us to confirm that. Instead, we do not judge you, and we try to help as much as possible unless it is clear that you are using our services for cheating purposes.

We know that most students use homework help, online tutoring, live sessions, Essay writing services, etc., to improve their understanding and grades. We also know that some of them want us to do their work and submit that as it is. We would like to clarify again that we do not help students enegaged in dishonest behaviour and those who engage in academic dishonesty of any sort. The primary aim of My Engineering Buddy’s services is to aid and improve student’s learning.

There can be several valid reasons you may take our homework help

  1. You work full-time or part-time, and sometimes you don’t get time to do your assignment.
  2. You are unable to understand the course material or its specific topics. Our step-by-step solutions with unlimited doubt clarification ensure you can understand it better. You can always take our online tutoring sessions with a private tutor to learn the material.
  3. Your grades are low, and even after your best effort, you cannot improve them. By taking our homework assignment help services, you can be assured of top grades, and at the same time, you can learn how the experts do the homework. Slowly your understanding and GPA will improve, and you will have a less stressful academic life.
  4. You are working under tight deadlines and want someone to assist you in meeting the same. We understand the importance of deadlines in a student’s life and ensure you never miss a deadline again.
  5. Lack of good tutors, teachers, and professors in your engineering college, school, university, or online courses. Although learning on your own is the best and most effective way, you can not know everything on your own. You need a mentor and a good mentor! So if you lack good mentors, we are here to provide you the same. All our tutors have excellent subject knowledge, speed, and accuracy and come from top universities and colleges.

Steps that we take to ensure you are not caught for cheating or academic dishonesty

  • Step-by-step solutions that help you understand the materials and learn better.
  • We advise students not to copy our solutions as it is.
  • We encourage you to learn by answering doubts related to our solutions. You can ask us as many times as you want.
  • A student using our solutions for unfair practices like cheating will permanently terminate our relationship with the defaulter.

Why is cheating wrong?

  1. It violates academic integrity, and you can be penalized for academic dishonesty. That can result in a warning, suspension, or even expulsion.
  2. You defeat the purpose of education. At its core, education is to impart knowledge.
  3. You can be caught using plagiarism checker tools, which can be pretty embarrassing in front of your teacher and classmates.
  4. The amount you invest in education will go waste as you are not learning.
  5. A degree is not going to help in your job. The knowledge will.

List of academic integrity codes of colleges and universities

See the academic integrity code of your college on this page of CourseHero.