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S Gupta
Yrs Of Experience: 7
Tutoring Hours: 3091
Assignments: 5615
"Exceptional tutor. Solved an assignment that 3 other tutors could not do!"---John
Yrs Of Experience: 6
"Exceptional tutor. Solved an assignment that 3 other tutors could not do!"---John
Neeraj K
Yrs Of Experience: 30
Tutoring Hours: 7638
Assignments: 9817
"Exceptional tutor. Solved an assignment that 3 other tutors could not do!"---John
P Rvi
Yrs Of Experience: 5
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MTech Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi
"Exceptional tutor. Solved an assignment that 3 other tutors could not do!"---John
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Average assignment grade
92% (Competitors: 69%)
Satisfaction rate for tutoring sessions
94% (Competitors: 72%)
Average Tutoring Fee per hour
USD 25 (Competitors: USD 50)
Grades and levels covered
Upto Masters Level (Competitors: School Level)
Ease of getting refunds if dissatisfied
Easy (Competitors: Usually no refund)
Time to connect with Human Customer Care
1 Minute (Competitors: Forever)
* Tutoring Fee: Tutors using MEB are professional subject experts who set their own price based on their demand & skill, your academic level, session frequency, topic complexity, and more.
** HW Fee: It varies based on the number and complexity of questions, deadline proximity, required detail level, and tutor availability. Feel free to contact us on WhatsApp (or email at meb@myengineeringbuddy.com) to determine the precise cost of your assignment.
“It is hard to match the quality of tutoring & hw help that MEB provides, even at double the price.”—Olivia
Mechanical engineering is a discipline that applies the principles of engineering, physics, and materials science to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. It involves understanding mechanisms, machines, and energy systems, with applications ranging from automotive and aerospace industries to robotics and renewable energy technologies.
What is Mechanical engineering?
Mechanical engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, production, and operation of mechanical systems and machinery.
What are the subjects that we study in Mechanical engineering?
Engineering Physics, Engineering Mechanics (Statics, Dynamics), Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Mass transfer, IC Engines, Fluid mechanics (Fluid Statics, Fluid Dynamics), Mechanics/Strength of Materials or Mechanics of deformable solids, Mathematics, etc. are some of the fundamental subjects.
Material science, Engineering drawing, Machine Design, Mechanical vibrations, Control theory, Control systems, Hydraulics & Pneumatics, CAD, CAM, FEA, FEM, HVAC, CFD, PLM, MDO, Manufacturing technologies, elements of computer science, electrical and electronics engineering, etc. are some advanced subjects that a mechanical engineer study.
What are the subfields of Mechanical engineering?
Some significant subfields of Mechanical engineering are as follows:
How to become a Mechanical engineer?
Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and the broadest branches of engineering. Even after so many technological advancements, Mechanical engineering is still among the most widely studied engineering branches with advances though many of its specializations are also offered.
To become a mechanical engineer, you can do a B.E./ B.Tech, in Mechanical engineering. Alternatively, you can choose one of its subdisciplines (mentioned in the above section). Most of these programs are 4 years long. You can also pursue a Masters or M.Tech in its subfield, which is usually 2 years long.
It is perhaps the most versatile engineering field which impacts almost every aspect of modern life. Mechanical engineers perform a vital role in various industries, including manufacturing, automotive, electronics, aerospace, biotechnology, computers, robotics, microelectromechanical systems, automation, and energy conversion.
For an adequate education in mechanical engineering, engineering schools require aspirants to have a high school diploma. Taking high school math and science courses is a must, including algebra, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, physics, and chemistry. Computers have become very important in almost every field in the modern world, including mechanical engineering. Familiarity with computers and programming is a bonus, especially if using design software like Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical.
In the past 15 years, we have delivered many online tutoring sessions and solved numerous homework problems. Students contact us from various parts of the world, mainly from the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, and the Gulf.
We provide online tutoring and homework help in Mechanical Engineering and 100+ other subjects. We primarily provide the below two educational services in Mechanical Engineering:
Mechanical engineering stands out due to its unique blend of principles from engineering, physics, and materials science, applied to design, analyze, and maintain mechanical systems. Its versatility allows professionals to work in various industries, from automotive to aerospace, contributing to innovations that shape modern life.
While mechanical engineering offers vast opportunities, its rigorous curriculum and emphasis on technical skills may pose challenges for some learners. However, its practical applications and broad scope make it a rewarding field for those passionate about problem-solving and innovation.
Mechanical engineering offers diverse career paths, including roles in design, manufacturing, and maintenance. Popular job titles include mechanical engineer, design engineer, project manager, and quality control engineer. Professionals work on projects ranging from developing new products to optimizing manufacturing processes, ensuring efficiency and innovation in various industries.
Learning mechanical engineering involves several steps: Understand the Basics: Start by learning fundamental concepts like mechanics, thermodynamics, and materials science. Practice Regularly: Solve problems and engage in hands-on projects to reinforce your understanding. Utilize Resources: Make use of textbooks, online tutorials, and educational videos to supplement your learning. Seek Guidance: If you encounter difficulties, don't hesitate to ask questions and seek help from experienced tutors or mentors. Hands-On Experience: Gain practical experience through internships, workshops, and laboratory work. Remember, learning is a journey, and it's okay to seek help along the way. Our tutors at MEB are available to provide support and guidance at an affordable fee.
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