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The transition from undergraduate to Engineering is Not easy at all. In the past 15 years, we have seen brilliant students struggling with core engineering subjects. These are Statics, Dynamics, Mechanics of materials, Statistics and Probability, Thermodynamics, Fluid mechanics, Structural Analysis etc.
All these subjects require a very sound understanding of Physics and Calculus. Physics is the mother of all sciences, and mathematics is their language. At the engineering level, calculus is the core of all mathematics.
If the foundation in Physics and calculus is not good, then one can not learn the above subjects. That is the reason why many students struggle with these core engineering subjects. So if one wants to improve these subjects, then start with Physics and Calculus first. After you learn these two, the others will be a lot smoother.
Physics and Calculus form the base, but the core Mechanical Engineering subjects start with Engineering Statics. It is also called Mechanics-1. Then comes Engineering DYNAMICS or Mechanics-2. Then comes Mechanics of Materials (MOM in short!) or the Mechanics of Solids. Some people also call it Strength of Materials or SOM. These three subjects are the basis of other advanced engineering subjects.
Once proficient with the above three, one can start learning real-world engineering application subjects like Design and Manufacturing. Statistics and Probability is unrelated to all these subjects, but everyone needs to study them. It has such vast applications that even non Engineering streams like Business and Finance study it. There are many other subjects like Thermodynamics, Fluid mechanics, Structural Analysis.
Physics is the mother of all science and engineering studies. That is why before introducing more advanced subjects, we teach Engineering Physics-1,2. Physics-1 is mechanics, whereas Physics-2 is electricity and magnetism. Physics-3 is not very common for engineering students. It purely deals with modern physics and is not relevant to engineering much. We have some of the best tutors available in physics.
Mathematics is the language in which science and engineering subjects talk. Calculus is the base of all high-level mathematics. Good knowledge of calculus is a must to deal with advanced fields of engineering applications. Calculus has four parts. Calculus-1,2,3,4. Calculus-1 is the basics of calculus in one variable. Topics like limits, differentiation, integration are their parts. In calculus-2, we study applications of calculus-1, and we also study sequence and series, convergence and divergence. Calculus-3 is the extension of calculus-1,2 into 2 and 3 variables. Vector calculus, divergence, curl, double and triple integrals are parts of calculus-3. Calculus-4 is differential equations.
Statistics is a subject that has tremendous application in real life. It provides a tool to understand a large amount of data. It also forms the basis of scientific research about various things. Probability is a vital part of statistics. It helps in predicting the outcome based on our current understanding. Probability and Statistics together go very well. It is a subject read not only by engineering graduates but also by finance and business students.
Engineering Statics
Engineering statics is also called mechanics-1 or simply Statics. It is nothing but an advanced version of the mechanics of nonmoving objects. The real difference is in the application. In Statics, we usually deal with equilibrium in 3D (three dimensions), trusses, and frames. It forms the basis of engineering mechanics-2 (dynamics) and solid mechanics. Although Statics employ very few concepts, the questions asked can be challenging, especially those with complicated space geometry (3D or XYZ axes). Statics is very useful for civil engineering students as well.
Engineering Dynamics
Mechanics-2 or Dynamics is the study of moving objects. It is much more complicated than mechanics-1 or Statics because the net force and net moments are not zero anymore. It requires additional terms to deal with, and hence the solution to dynamics problems becomes much more complex than Statics. Engineering Dynamics has vast applications in engineering. It forms the basis of Machine design which is the ultimate target for all mechanical engineering students. Dynamics, though is not limited to mechanical engineering and other fields of engineering students also study it.
Mechanics of Materials
Mechanics of materials (MOM) is also called solid mechanics or mechanics of solids or strength of materials (SOM). Some university courses also mention it as Statics-2. Students struggle with it a lot as it is not an easy subject at all. Especially the more complicated topics like combined loading is a nightmare to students. Questions in this subject usually require many calculations, and getting the correct answer is a daunting task.